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Kurosaki-kun wa Dokusen Shitagaru: Hajimete no Koi wa Amasugite
Jul 18, 2024 8:59 PM
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Finally, Finish an Anime Review took me 1 year and 3 months to break Hiatus
I recently made a Review of the Anime Kumichou Musume to Sewagakari, Here's the Link:
Feedbacks and Upvotes are appreciated
Example Case I watch Re: Zero since it didn't get a sequel after 3 years then I decided to watch it after I finish it in 2020. BOOM! Sequel!
I've been reading other reviews about show and not all of them give justice to it why its good. They just brag about the characters not being super unique or the romance not being super drama-heavy.
In my opinion, not all rom-com needs to adopt the same format. I advocate some freedom in any genre format
I am planning to make more reviews this Month just taking a break this Sunday.
It's a bit late for my planned scheduled release but I manage to finish it. My Review on Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku. It is Spoiler Free.
Here is the LinK:
Upvote and Feedback is appreciated :)
I finish it. My Review on Tommorow's Nadja. It Spoiler Free.
Here the LinK:
Upvote and Feedback is appreciated :)
And oh men they didn't even hide the facts about parents having sex and sister masturbating. When Shinji Masturbate people hated him for being a pervert ass but when a woman masturbates on her own FUCKING PARENTS they love her. WHAT THE FUCK! Community is more fuck up. Imagine that in real life. The show is not even hiding and proud to promote the fetish like the show is not even a OVA but a public TV series oh my gawd.