Hi again,
I'm loving your blog! Some great content, and looks fantastic :) Definately bookmarking it that's for sure! I think I may even set it as my homepage... some handy stuff on there that's for sure lol
Yeah sounds fantastic, we can help each other out quite a bit. I'll stick a friends box of somesort on the sidebar and link to your Blog, and I'll make sure to mension it in the next Art Post Feature aswell :)
I have to be honest though, I'm not truely advertising my Blog atm as I'm merely doing it at a beta stage so to say. Just to get the hang of it, and play around with words to get the right format for the posts :)
If you don't mind me asking, but how long have you been running your blog for now?
Hi, sorry about the really late reply to the friend request about the blog thing, I kind of didn't notice all the notifications you get under the profile tab lol Lets say I had a few outstanding ones XD
To recap, I run an Anime Art blog and you wanted to stay in touch as you are also running a blog if I'm not mistaken? Just to share data and info, help each other out :)
What blog are you currently running at the moment if you don't mind me asking?
All Comments (31) Comments
Hope things are going well.
I'm loving your blog! Some great content, and looks fantastic :) Definately bookmarking it that's for sure! I think I may even set it as my homepage... some handy stuff on there that's for sure lol
Yeah sounds fantastic, we can help each other out quite a bit. I'll stick a friends box of somesort on the sidebar and link to your Blog, and I'll make sure to mension it in the next Art Post Feature aswell :)
I have to be honest though, I'm not truely advertising my Blog atm as I'm merely doing it at a beta stage so to say. Just to get the hang of it, and play around with words to get the right format for the posts :)
If you don't mind me asking, but how long have you been running your blog for now?
To recap, I run an Anime Art blog and you wanted to stay in touch as you are also running a blog if I'm not mistaken? Just to share data and info, help each other out :)
What blog are you currently running at the moment if you don't mind me asking?
Thanks for the welcome.