heyu im sami/samsu & ppl usually address me w any silly variations of that name.
its kool
im pale n cold n i run w the moomins. i will give u my home address if ull buy me moomin merch. or break in at night n kill me. please. either is fine.
if i FR'd u its most likely bc i was sidebar hopping & found ur profile by chance & was curious abt what series u like 2 find me new stuff to watch or read. i dont expect ppl to chat or befriend me or anything & im not v talkative anyway! i dont mind if ppl wanna hmu tho
i mostly just wanna keep track of things ive watched/read & wanna watch/read in the future & to find new series. ive got a lot of series in the queue & havent completed many bc im lazy lmao?? Death
i dont really have a decent rating system honestly? my criticism fluctuates based on my mood a lot & i might change my mind about a series later & spot flaws i didnt see before or appreciate smth i didnt pay attention to. anyway its pretty much like those psychology tests where u agree or disagree n the middle means u do neither ! so if i r8 under 5, i disliked it more than liked it, & vice versa.
1 = i hated the series with such a burning passion it made me suicidal
2 = same but atleast this one thing was ok (like... the art or just 1 character or smth)
3 = it was really bad and/or embarrassing
4 = i disliked it, watching/reading it wasnt a pleasing experience
5 = eh, it wasnt good, it wasnt bad. couldve lived without it
6 = it was kinda ok i guess
7 = mediocre, or good but too many flaws to give a better score
8 = as good as or better than most anime/manga ive finished, or if still watching/reading then high hopes
9 = jesus fuck that fuckin RULED
10 = thgis series blessed me. i dont know how i was alive before i found this thing. my skin has cleared up and all my chores just did themselves. an angel descended from the heavens and high fived me
& no score = idk, dont remember, no opinion, or dropped too soon/havent seen enough
i noticed my top 10 people list is full so heres sum of my fav mangakas: takemiya jin, nakamura hikaru, hiwatari haruki
i'll update this list whenever i remember a name basically hohhah
"hey guys its me ya boy bingus gront. this skateboard s going pretty fast"
stuff i like typically ! sci-fi, fantasy, supernatural psychological, horror, angsty slice of life, cutesy, cheerful ridiculous plot, parody, comedy, or
so bad its good, terrible puns relatable artistic, expressive, MVs, good BGM lol idk man leave me alone,,,,
special interests !!!! cyborgs, mechas, robots, AI aliens, space, half human things melancholy n dreaminess
guilty pleasures yikes guro, consensual violence / masochism rlly bad pointless mass produced bishie garbage again ill watch almost any pointless mundane
crap if cute girls are included "yes this is a complete cliché and a
total rip off BUT WAIT theres a twist. its a
twist. there is one. we swear"
biggest pet peeves uncomftorable excessive use of fanservice obvs loli/shota shit, incest, molestation, all that shit.
by the way if ur into that then dont interact with
me ever bye futa, ""trap"", "haha trans ppl r so icky n weird,
what a funny and original joke this is, thisll give
em a chortle" hentai, ecchi, anime tiddies
thank you for listening. this bio will now automatically self destruct in 10 seconds. ucfck you.
All Comments (7) Comments
Thanks for the FR~
btw how did you find me?
Nice to meet you ^^