Thank you for being one of the few hentai reviewers that actually lays out in detail what are are in each sex scene in the series. Makes for someone who's kinda choosy like me figure out what's in the show.
Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke wo: Anata to Koibito Tsunagi(quite sexy in this show)
Stainless Night)futa, but it's good. I think that's my first time watching a futa show back then.)
Shoujo Sect
For manga:
Dekkaino to Chikkoino(really horny and sexy)
Girls Aquarium and 08.04 AM Daydream
Hmm, I never watched an older hentai. I'll look forward to the next one.
I never read the manga before, but I recommend watching the anime! The animation makes it more comical imo. I have yet to start on the manga. Let me know when you start, b/c I'd love to hear your opinion about it!
Thanks, and Happy New Year to you as well! I wish you the best of everything in 2014! :)
And here I was contemplating on what to do with my life, and BAM! A "helpful" hentai review pops up, and *sings* I know what I'm gonna do nooooowwwww! Thank you!!! Keep 'em coming!
Thanks! It was such a waste of time. :-/.. I see that it does have action, but I never seen a Hentai that actually had a story before. I'm confused to how it's your fave Hentai. Doesn't it overshadow the sex?
No, we can't, but I send requests to the moderators to make changes on some pages. I can understand why BnP has Yaoi instead of Hentai. Others include Boku no Sexual Harassment and Sensitive Pornograph. Hentai is usually meant for the opposite sex imo, but they all have the Rx - Hentai rating.
Lol, maybe. I was debating about how to rate the art. Most ppl dislike it, but I actually found it quite cute. Thanks for your feedback! Don't get mad, but I was going to ask you for feedback after I written it, but I assumed you were strictly a hentai-person. Lol, thanks so much for reading it! After I get over the traumatic effects from Boku no Pico, I'll get back to my hentai. *shivers*
All Comments (21) Comments
Stainless Night)futa, but it's good. I think that's my first time watching a futa show back then.)
Shoujo Sect
For manga:
Dekkaino to Chikkoino(really horny and sexy)
Girls Aquarium and 08.04 AM Daydream
I never read the manga before, but I recommend watching the anime! The animation makes it more comical imo. I have yet to start on the manga. Let me know when you start, b/c I'd love to hear your opinion about it!
Thanks, and Happy New Year to you as well! I wish you the best of everything in 2014! :)