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Ushinawareta Mirai wo Motomete: Ushinawareta Natsuyasumi wo Motomete
Dec 7, 2015 1:37 AM
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Also caught up on The Gamer, it seems to be in a slump storywise, hopefully I'm wrong and the last several chapters are proven to be important/relevant instead of feeling like they're just there to stall while the author figures out what he's doing.
I blame (read: praise) Mushoku Tensei for that, a web novel I stumbled across, and have been reading it every chance I get!
At first this was creating wife aggro, and now she's reading it constantly also, even though it's something she normally pokes fun at me for.
No in depth explanation or summary will be given, go check it out now.
(Now, if only amazon will ship it to the correct address this time...)
Sucked. It felt rushed, as if the author just scribbled something out real quick saying hell with tying everything up all pretty, even though Keima commented many times about how games have to have a happy ending yadda yadda yadda.
Feels more like about halfway through the last arc the author got handed an 'end by this day' notice.
I'm actually kind of nervous about where this show's going, turns out I like that lil witch and the show more than I realized.
While I didn't really care for it one way or the other, the main guy, Sento, he deserves a fucking medal. He's not a wimpy guy with no balls or useless, he has a bat and is more than willing to use it. On anyone. Sento alone saved this show from the dropped list.
So much of the 'romance' that many of the sites tag this series with must be in their imagination.
It's not romance if there's only a couple scenes showing a soft moment, moments of caring for another. That's camaraderie or caring about your friends. It's possible to care about someone and not be romantically interested in them.
I keep telling him tried three times, but mc still has no balls and manages to be even more irritating than the mc girl/boy/thing from kanokon.
Best thing that could happen in the to love ru series - mc gets killed by someone and then replaced by a decent character.
Araragi doing the bon dance his sister did in nisemonogatari's opening!
Girl walks unannounced into guy's room to wake him up from sleep. He has morning wood. She screams and hits him for it.
It's his fucking room, and not his fault she barged in and seen something she didn't want to. A morning boner is a completely natural occurrence, if she doesn't want to run into situations like that, then fucking knock if entering into someone else's damn room in the morning, or more imortantly, before entering their damn house.
Seen one recommending a mecha anime because it was like Hellsing Ultimate. Unfortunately the two are nothing alike in this case, while I liked both, it's extremely misleading to claim they're similar. I can only wonder what the hell the guy was thinking claiming that.
Maybe he was drunk.
Maybe he got the show confused with another.
Or perhaps he's just an idiot.
Going to watch it again though.