Hometown: NYC
Interests: Hinagiku, tsundere-moe, thighhighs, Touhou, Photoshop, In-n-Out Burger, Chipotle, mechas, pewpew, sci-fi, post-apocalyptic, swings, digressions, Hinagiku
Anime Queue:
- Wanko to Kurasou
- Aria the ORIGINATION (rewatch)
- Utawarerumono Game (downloaded)
- Card Captor Sakura
- Pani Poni Dash (downloaded)
- Busou Renkin
- Lovely Complex
- Let me know if there is anime that you think should be up there or whether I should prioritize one over another.
Favorite Anime
06. Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha A's
07. Ga-Rei Zero
08. Fate/Stay Night
09. Kanon
10. Gakuen Utopia Manabi Straight
Favorite Characters
11. Tomoyo Sakagami (Clannad)
12. Takei Hisa (Saki)
13. Tear Grants (Tales of the Abyss)
14. Mai Taniyama (Ghost Hunt)
15. Sanya V. Litvyak (Strike Witches)
16. Shana (Shakugan no Shana)
17. Aika Granzchesta (ARIA)
18. Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen (Strike Witches)
19. Maria (Hayate no Gotoku)
20. Tsukimiya Ayu (Kanon)
Top 5 Male Characters
01. Hei (Darker than Black)
02. Archer (Fate/Stay Night)
03. Kazuma Yagami (Kaze no Stigma)
04. Simon (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann)
05. Sakai Yuji (Shakugan no Shana)
Anime Songs
01. PAPERMOON (Soul Eater)
02. Ash Like Snow (Gundam 00)
03. Lion (Macross Frontier)
04. JOINT (Shakugan no Shana II)
05. only my railgun (Toara Kagaku no Railgun)
06. STRENGTH. (Soul Eater)
07. Don't say 'lazy' (K-ON!)
08. Staple Stable (Bakemonogatari)
09. nO Limit! (Basquash!)
10. Shoujo S (Bleach)
Ranking for Summer 2014 anime
1. Aldnoah.Zero
3. Nozaki
4. Tokyo ESP
Cool People:
[*]Iriya: goth loli sunshinepie-making experimental octopus-cow/sci-fi & mecha buddy/wall dominator/padawan
[*]Mhia-cchi: Hina buddy
[*]Xjellocross: Bay Area/moe buddy
[*]Karura: Type-Moon buddy
[*]Ustnap: pantsu buddy
[*]Piroko: because he asked and he subs very slow
All Comments (6256) Comments
- Shiina was too dumb
- I disliked Ryuunosuke
- the main character was boring
Here are some shows that you should take a look at:
Non Non Biyori
Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Tatami Galaxy
Shokugeki no Souma
I'll also anti-recommend:
Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo
Comet Lucifer
I just noticed that Sakurasou is one of your favorites. I dropped that at episode 4, should I give it another chance?
Hinagiku best girl
I might as well give it a shot, some eye candy ain't so bad after all :)
Need to watch that show, it has been on my PTW list quite a while now. Nice to meet you btw :)
Also just wanted to say hi. We have very high anime compability and someone who got Senjougahara as their favourite character is a friend of mine! :)
Also Nanasaki is god tier. No one listens to me.