A cautionary tale:
Once upon a time, I was just a bookworm who liked to draw pictures and listen to punk rock. One day, my geeky friend dropped FLCL in my lap and said. "watch this."
So I did.
FLCL is probably one of the worst starter anime I can think of...and yet. The extreme perspectives, the sheer motion of it takes my breath away. Not to mention the soundtrack.
Then he dropped Naruto on me a year later and that was the beginning of this long, long love affair with anime.
And here I am.
I'm always looking for more anime recommendations.
On that note:
Stories heavily geared toward character development.
I prefer a love story in the sub-plot, but I like some romances.
Supernatural stories, particularly ones based on Japanese/Asian mythology,
folklore or philosophies.
Samurai and ninja stories.
All things Japanese.
Bright, earnest people striving to save the world or some part of it.
Everybody has one. Here's mine:
10-Have rewatched (and still loved it) or definitely will rewatch.
9- Probably will rewatch and possibly rerate.
8- Might be worth a rewatch.
7- If I rewatch it, I might rerate it.
6- Not worth rewatching without a recommendation.
5- Will most likely never rewatch it if I can help it (especially if I already have done so).
Below 5: reserved for animations that are not anime.
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god bless ur friend!
`· . 𐙚