did you even read what i just say, i talked about AOT s3 pt2, not the entire franchise, and also haikyuu s3, not the entire haikyuu franchise, and dude, you should look at the reviews of both animes, then you'll prolly understnd what i mean you can literally skip s1, s2 of haikyuyu and watch it, it's about the finale against team and the winner goes to play at national level, simple, now first watch then argue
but whatever ,watch both then you'll proly understand, i don't watch the haikyuu because of thye boys style, idefc about that, but the animation of haikyu iss far better than many other animes that i've watched and plus it's smooth and i dont remeber anyone except kageyama, hinata, and suga, so i'm not exactly a chick type guy or whatsoever
but neverthele4ss i can't expect a guy to understand it, while he hasnt watched either of them, dude you literally put aot below golden time, fucxking golden time, not to mention K-on, clannad s1 tooooooo, what are you a japanese kawai loving weeb
DUDE, you won't belive me but swear to god the amount of chill that i got in aot s3 pt2 was exactly the same as the amount thirll that i got in haikyuu all these time when i watche the haikyuu i had a continuous thought about the aot
I was going to agree with you until Fujiko's explanation about why she broke up with Lupin ends turning the ED of part 5 into a sad AMV summing up their wedding, honeymoon, and their eventual divorce. It's insane storytelling. You're right in that part 4's animation is definitely more stylized and the scenes with Nix is badass as fuck....but come on....that ED bro...they pulled a Real Folk Blues on our ass.
PS: The reason why most people pass this series is because they suck donkey dick. That or the barrier of entry seems like its difficult to get into when in actuality its episodic nature makes it one of the easiest series and funnest series to get into. Fellow Lupin fans unite!
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If you mean for my reviews, i can surely say, that i'll continue until i review all animes i've seen.
So please be Pantient, if you see me posting a lot of them, each day
PS: The reason why most people pass this series is because they suck donkey dick. That or the barrier of entry seems like its difficult to get into when in actuality its episodic nature makes it one of the easiest series and funnest series to get into. Fellow Lupin fans unite!