All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 160.4
Mean Score:
- Watching98
- Completed1,122
- On-Hold4
- Dropped21
- Plan to Watch649
- Total Entries1,894
- Rewatched1
- Episodes10,306
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 49.5
Mean Score:
- Reading170
- Completed126
- On-Hold1
- Dropped0
- Plan to Read140
- Total Entries437
- Reread0
- Chapters6,954
- Volumes549
All Comments (35) Comments
Lmao no joke, considering your list has more than 1000 anime ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
Anyway, thanks for the friend request! Nice to meet you.
Ich sehe Migi to Dali, ParaKiss, Oshi no Ko und Nana in deinen faves: finde ich gut! 8)))
Thank you for your time, neko809 💜
The artwork is simple and consists of a GIF showing the manga I am currently reading. It will include some basic information about each manga, such as the release date and the creator's name
If possible, I would appreciate your opinion. If you have any feedback or suggestions for changes, please let me know as well.
Here is the artwork below.