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Darling in the FranXX
Darling in the FranXX
Nov 6, 2024 2:05 AM
Completed 24/24 · Scored 8
Blue Lock vs. U-20 Japan
Blue Lock vs. U-20 Japan
Nov 6, 2024 2:00 AM
Watching 5/14 · Scored 6
Oct 31, 2024 5:18 PM
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-Lunar- Feb 13, 2024 3:43 PM
Wow! I'm glad you got into a university and in Germany! what did you decide to study? it seems like your life has changed a lot since we last spoke! studying abroad in a different country sounds so exciting! glad to know that you got used to it all very easily. and yes! living alone is so tiring some times but you get used to it, I'm living alone right now with a housemate :'). Cleaning and cooking is the least fun part tho -_-

As for me...I'm still in biology :P still don't like it but i'm graduating in April, I applied to engineering at a local university in my hometown which is what I might do after I graduate...get another undergraduate degree...but idk it seems like here in Canada no one really knows what they want to do with their life in my age group, we shall see what the future holds :')

I've had a few interesting things happen since I last talk to you like reconnecting with old friends and hanging out with university friends too, and going to the gym which I enjoy a lot and I go almost every day, it's especially fun when you go with friends!

Wishing you well as well :)
-Lunar- Sep 7, 2023 6:11 PM
Welcome backk! :)) how have you been?
thinkpad Jul 31, 2023 12:48 PM
I think I read that you disliked pasta with sauce. I might need glasses.
thinkpad Jul 26, 2023 3:29 AM
ever had a lasagna without sauce? thing's flatter than a rice cake
scaevaelt Jul 13, 2023 12:38 PM
np np
DimitrovN Oct 31, 2022 2:15 PM
Don't be sorry! As you can see, I myself am not the quickest when it comes to responding either... ๐Ÿ˜…

I have no clue who came up with it, but it's quite interesting for sure! I think the comparison with a playlist is quite accurate actually; it's kind of a mix between that and a to-do/check list.

Ahh, interesting... a newbie... Welcome to the sport! ๐Ÿ˜ Learning all the different ins and outs of the game is super fun. I really hope you can find some time to get a bit deeper into it over either the last 2 races or next year. And even though I'm not quite the expert myself either, as long as I know myself, I'd be happy to answer some questions as well ๐Ÿ˜†

Yea, Max is undeniably driving an already god-like car to even another level. I'm hoping Merc and Ferarri will be back next year with better cars and strategies... Cuz yea, Mercs' cars this year are just not up to the level they should have been... and what Ferrari is doing on the pit wall? Organizing some sort of circus it looks like ๐Ÿ˜…

Even though I may be Dutch, I'm a really big Merc fan, but as for them, winning any championship this year was just not realistic. So I'm just praying for an epic comeback next year, where I'd really like to see Lewis take a record-breaking 8th title, though I would also be very pleased if Russell surprised us and shone the brightest next season. Apart from those 2, I would have really liked to see Leclerc put up a bit more of a battle against Max, but in the end, that just wasn't really all that realistic either... ๐Ÿคท‍โ™‚๏ธ

It looks like he won't be racing next season... though he did say we'd see him around the paddock, so who knows what else we'll see from him!
MonkeeDan Oct 4, 2022 12:27 PM
Oh okay then xd.

Mhm they are, just gets a bit warm sometimes if I keep em on my lap for too long ;P

I'm not a big beer drinker to begin with but from my experiences I prefer light beer over black beer. Probably just a matter of getting used to.

I guess people just like to get caffeine in the morning and probably also like the taste of it, but I feel like it's a taste you have to get used to first before you start to like it and I just don't feel the need to go through that phase. Oh but yea, there are quite many people who treat is as their literal life essence and can't live without it xd.
-Lunar- Oct 4, 2022 11:07 AM
My university is a hard one so i am stressing about my grades. I am also studying biology and i unfortunately i don't enjoy it very much (I am sending this message instead of paying attention to my lecture right now haha). I wish I had chosen engineering. Maybe I will go back to school for engineering after I finish Biology.

I hope you get into your dream university! what would you like to study?

jjk:0 it takes place before season 1 of jjk so you can watch it after but i would recommend watching it before season 2. It is availible on crunchyroll and online too so it is easy to find

haha it is 2:06 PM here in Canada, What time is it in Turkey?
-Lunar- Oct 4, 2022 7:11 AM
Aha yea unfortunately it seems like everyone is getting burnt out on anime recently. I have not binge watched a show in very long. Maybe university has just made me too stressed to watch anime LOL. Recently I have just been watching weekly stuff, this is a big anime season with bleach coming back (one of my childhood anime so I am very excited). I also watched the jujutsu kaisen movie and I liked that.

Glad to see you doing well, How was university?? Get lots of good studying done?
Mopache Oct 2, 2022 11:50 AM
ohhh I misread it. I thought you liked 2+ hours movies lol

yeah I get it
Mopache Oct 2, 2022 11:18 AM
but what's with 2+ hour movies
Mopache Oct 2, 2022 11:17 AM
oh it's just "man" but with a lil accent
MonkeeDan Oct 2, 2022 6:34 AM
Oh lmao sry haha. Didn't mean to end up questioning your whole pattern of watching movies, was just genuinely curious if they're automatically a no-go ^^ But yea that sums it up pretty accurately.

Ok but imagine you're finally getting to the second half of the movie and just randomly stop and go do sth else and only come back a couple days later ๐Ÿ˜ญ I'd feel so out of rythm and mood that I'd prolly just end up watching it from the beginning again xd.

Throw pillow huh, I sometimes have one under my arms when watching stuff to make it more comfy but I rarely keep it in my hands. I'm pretty basic when it comes to drinking so mostly water and occasionally some tea or beer if I feel the need of confirming the german stereotype lmao. I'm not a coffee drinker at all so that's probably the only thing I wouldn't drink xd.
MonkeeDan Oct 1, 2022 3:40 PM
So you'd like to watch the movie itself in one go without distractions for the proper experienc but can't /can only rarely do it because you're losing focus at the same time? Sounds like a weird situation kinda but I'd rather have it like that than watching only 20 min or so before stopping everytime to do sth else or like some friend of mine who watches the first hour at some point and days or weeks later the second half xd.
The name rings a bell, I think it used to be nominated for an oscar and I remember wanting to watch it but I kinda lost sight of it. What is it about again? Glad to hear you were able to enjoy it that much tho :>

Haha the sitting position is me all the time. Also occupying my hands with some object helps for me.
I usually don't specially get sth to snack for a movie or when I watch stuff, but if there is somerhing on my desk or I'm in the middle of getting food or so, then I just eat while continuing to watch. I drink a lot while watching stuff tho.
MonkeeDan Oct 1, 2022 3:15 PM
Mhm okay fair enough. Can kinda relate to losing my focus but I think for me it's more overall when focusing on watching something and not really dependant on the lenght. So do you do sth else while watching stuff? Since you don't like to just sit and watch.
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