ay, names nash, welcome to my profile ya weeb ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
Ranking Scale ~
10/10 – Masterpiece: Perfection, or very close to it. Every aspect of the media is executed in the best possible way. Works of art like these usually appeal to me on a conceptual level as they’re able to touch my heart and inspire me. Something I can rewatch endlessly.
9/10 – Amazing: A thrilling experience that is noteworthy of becoming a favorite, but something minor holds it back from becoming a masterpiece. Something I’ll rewatch at least a few times.
8/10 – Great: An entertaining piece of fiction that executes almost every aspect well, but there was room for improvement that it failed to do. Something I’ll rewatch at least once.
7/10 – Good: An enjoyable experience, but more then a few things prevent it from being great. There’s either a problem with how it executes its premise, or it fails due to missed potential. Something I may or may not rewatch.
6/10 – Okay: The number of things I like about the show are equal to the amount of things that I don’t. Something I won’t rewatch, and for whatever reason that I do, im not looking forward to it.
5/10 – Mediocre: The number of things I dislike outweigh the amount of things that I do like. Something about this either doesn’t work for me or I'm just not the target audience. At this point I'm usually dropping it.
4/10 – Bad: I’m not enjoying myself whatsoever. Stuff like this is hard to sit through and I’ll drop if given the opportunity.
3/10 – Terrible: This is most likely making me frustrated or angry, and is extremely uncomfortable to watch. To call this art is offensive by my standards.
2/10 – Dreadful: At this point I'm hating what I'm seeing and I’d rather yank my eyeballs out then watch another minute.
1/10 – Disgusting: I can’t watch this. Something about this makes me want to throw up, can barely hold myself together by just watching even a second of whatever this drivel is. It’s torture.
My Favorite Video Games of All Time
(For a more detailed list of games I've played check out my vglist)
1. Mass Effect 2 - The fact that I didn't have to play the first one to get into this speaks for itself. Fantastic characters, tons of content, gunplay and cover based shooting is done well, and offers tons of replay-ability.
2. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater - An amazing entry in the series. Great characters and writing, adds on to the second solid game with new stealth elements and camouflage, plot twist at the end is genius, an amazing entry point in the series and great origin story on its original villain.
3. The Last of Us - Considerably naughty dogs best game ever. The relationship between Ellie and Joel is so strong as its formed in such a chaotic and violent world. Game-play is so refined, and the multiplayer is fantastic.
4. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots - I personally think this is the best metal gear story written. Although the cutscenes may be lengthy, the writing in here is astonishing. Gives such a great conclusion the series and timeline, great character arc for Snake, and that final boss fight is so refined with its brilliance and setup.
5. The Walking Dead Season 1 - Easily my favorite adventure game. Good replaybility, similar to The Last of Us, the relationship formed between Lee and Clementine is so memorable and beautiful. Ending is perfect.
6. Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 - This series was my way of getting into naruto, and it's such a great followup to the first. I think it does a great job in adapting the arcs from the series, and it's boss battles are so memorable and vivid.
7. Deus Ex: Human Revolution - My second favorite rpg. Awesome protagonist, great dialogue, such a fun and well designed world to explore and play through. Very few games in my opinion have this much detail to its world and universe.
8. Batman Arkham Asylum - A solid batman game from start to finish. Writing could be better but its gameplay and narrative make it one of the best in its own series and such a joy to playthrough. Incredible voice acting.
9. Yakuza 3 - Written very well, great villain and gameplay is pretty fresh and action packed. Sub stories are written pretty well, boss fights feel great, and probably the best arc Kiryu goes through as a character.
10. Pokemon: Heartgold- My favorite pokemon game of all time, don't think any other pokemon game could come close. I loved how I could explore not just one but two regions with their own gym battles, legendaries and story. The final battle with red is so well thoughtout, nothing close could compare to it in the entire series as it's such a thrilling and climatic battle.
It’s great to see that you love anime and video games like me lol.
I also have a PSN account as well, so if you want, I’d love to be friends with you on there if you don’t mind :3.
Here’s my PSN ID: LunarStarGirl345
Hey man sorry for this lateness, hope you are doing well in this pandemic, don't worry about giving late reply to me lol. Yeah same goes for me I've been going through a lot these days. I am currently doing college and hopefully next year in uni.
I would really recommend to get judgment on sale and it can be very cheap when its on sale but trust me its worth. Beside Judgment they did another game called Fist of the North star: Lost Paradise, I don't know if you heard about it but It's really good. The gameplay is similar to yakuza 0 but has different fighting style and lots of different mechanics.
When it comes to yakuza, play on hardest or legendary difficult because it's more better than ending a cool boss fight under 1 min. So about Yakuza 7, If you love turn based then you are definitely gonna love this game, sure few people didn't like the combat system but I really dig into it. I didn't mind with the change of combat system but how Ichiban character and story will turn out. Well In the end it's better than I expected. Yakuza games right now is better played on pc instead playing it on ps because of the fps.
Yes I played MGR, to this day I still play it sometimes. As a "hack and slash" it's up there with the best of them. I remember thinking "They ruined it." when platinum showed footage considering it was originally Metal Gear Solid: Rising which was way different, and I was expecting a stealth-action game like Metal Gear Solid: Rising was gonna be. Now I think Kojima giving it to Platinum was the best possible outcome they could have done, It did Cyborg Raiden better than Guns of the Patriots did(Not saying that he was bad in GOP). The story or actual plot is simple but what makes the writing so splendid is the way characters are written, especially Raiden. He doesn’t just get talked at like every other MGS protagonist. He has a real personality that shines with every scene he’s in. He engages with every single character he comes into contact with better than any protagonist before and after him. Raiden in Revengers is what every Metal Gear protagonist should strive to be.
Metal Gear Rising not only has excellent music, but it's implemented very well into it's boss battles with different layers of music adding on in the extreme moments. In the tutorial boss battle where you face off against metal gear ray, and you climb up it and tear it apart while rules of nature song starts, it's thrilling, and moments like that carry on throughout. (Forgot you haven't played yet lol).
MGS 5 had no ending lmao even with that Mission 51 Eli ending additional story content that was cancelled before development finished, but its definitely not the ending, well that's what officials said. Well most people considers the identity ending as a true ending but oh well.. really don't wanna start ranting on mgs 5.
The game was mechanically amazing. The engine was well made. The game looked great. One of my major complaint regarding the story, Eli/Liquid Snake should never have been in MGSV. He really only drags the story down with his presence. Like, he's angry with Big Boss (and by extension with Venom, who his mistakes as BB) because he feels his father's been a jerk to him. Okay. This is stuff we *already* knew about from MGS1, so nothing changes here. It's impossible for Eli to meaningfully develop past this within the timeline of MGSV, because he still needs to end up at the exact same mental place for MGS1. In the end young Liquid Snake brings so very little to the table in Phantom Pain and makes it actively worse by hijacking the plot then not having the decency to do anything notable with it. I suspect Kojima wrote himself to a corner and had no idea what to do with a character whose fate was already sealed and I will forever give him shit for that and wasting away Skull face because pHaNtOm pAiN.
Yes I have faith in the new director of Ragnarok and can't wait for the Ragnarok very lucky that it's coming on ps4 as well coz I'm already damned because Spider man 2 is coming ps5 exclusively. I'd really lick Sony's shoe just convince them to bring Spider man games to PC.
Enjoy the persona series man, best jrpg games. About SMT, yes they are harder than most other RPGs (specially Nocturne) but once you know what you are doing they aren't that hard by themselves. It's challenging and the games won't hand you your win. You'll die if you go in unprepared. Bosses will sometimes have aoe attacks that hit for 80% of your party's hp. Some people call that hard, but if you know to simply keep your hp topped off, it shouldn't be a problem. so play persona and get a better understanding of jrpg if you are new. All right now favourite girl in persona lmao, I'd say Takemi not just because she dresses like punk but I really feel like she was the Link I enjoyed the most. From the very start I loved her personality and design. Her story was great and felt deeper to me than a lot of the others.
Yes I played Last of us part 2, I agree with the gameplay and it is one of the best looking game. Now for the story, I think the first one worked better because it was simpler, with hours of in-game time dedicated to 2 characters and their developing relationship. In contrast, TLOU2 tried to do more in that same amount of time and some characters just felt like "rushed". A perfect example would be Abby/Lev relationship. While I liked Lev as a character, I think the writers didn't take their time developing his and Abby's relationship as they needed to draw a parallel between Joel and Ellie as fast as possible. So Abby goes from killing Scars to going above and beyond saving one in just a couple of in-game hours. Joel could have been handled better, I felt like the way they tried making us sympathize with Abby was too on the nose and should have been subtler. The game has actually good story ideas implemented well but it needed a lot more work in my opinion.
So yeah. I've been playing Death stranding recently so far I'm actually enjoying being a delivery man and the characters are interesting so far but can't say anything more about the story.
Yes I have discord (Vergil#0001) add me whenever. I don't play mp game often nowdays but maybe I will.
All Comments (891) Comments
How are you doing?
It’s great to see that you love anime and video games like me lol.
I also have a PSN account as well, so if you want, I’d love to be friends with you on there if you don’t mind :3.
Here’s my PSN ID: LunarStarGirl345
Looking forward to chatting with you soon!
Thank you,
I would really recommend to get judgment on sale and it can be very cheap when its on sale but trust me its worth. Beside Judgment they did another game called Fist of the North star: Lost Paradise, I don't know if you heard about it but It's really good. The gameplay is similar to yakuza 0 but has different fighting style and lots of different mechanics.
When it comes to yakuza, play on hardest or legendary difficult because it's more better than ending a cool boss fight under 1 min. So about Yakuza 7, If you love turn based then you are definitely gonna love this game, sure few people didn't like the combat system but I really dig into it. I didn't mind with the change of combat system but how Ichiban character and story will turn out. Well In the end it's better than I expected. Yakuza games right now is better played on pc instead playing it on ps because of the fps.
Yes I played MGR, to this day I still play it sometimes. As a "hack and slash" it's up there with the best of them. I remember thinking "They ruined it." when platinum showed footage considering it was originally Metal Gear Solid: Rising which was way different, and I was expecting a stealth-action game like Metal Gear Solid: Rising was gonna be. Now I think Kojima giving it to Platinum was the best possible outcome they could have done, It did Cyborg Raiden better than Guns of the Patriots did(Not saying that he was bad in GOP). The story or actual plot is simple but what makes the writing so splendid is the way characters are written, especially Raiden. He doesn’t just get talked at like every other MGS protagonist. He has a real personality that shines with every scene he’s in. He engages with every single character he comes into contact with better than any protagonist before and after him. Raiden in Revengers is what every Metal Gear protagonist should strive to be.
Metal Gear Rising not only has excellent music, but it's implemented very well into it's boss battles with different layers of music adding on in the extreme moments. In the tutorial boss battle where you face off against metal gear ray, and you climb up it and tear it apart while rules of nature song starts, it's thrilling, and moments like that carry on throughout. (Forgot you haven't played yet lol).
MGS 5 had no ending lmao even with that Mission 51 Eli ending additional story content that was cancelled before development finished, but its definitely not the ending, well that's what officials said. Well most people considers the identity ending as a true ending but oh well.. really don't wanna start ranting on mgs 5.
The game was mechanically amazing. The engine was well made. The game looked great. One of my major complaint regarding the story, Eli/Liquid Snake should never have been in MGSV. He really only drags the story down with his presence. Like, he's angry with Big Boss (and by extension with Venom, who his mistakes as BB) because he feels his father's been a jerk to him. Okay. This is stuff we *already* knew about from MGS1, so nothing changes here. It's impossible for Eli to meaningfully develop past this within the timeline of MGSV, because he still needs to end up at the exact same mental place for MGS1. In the end young Liquid Snake brings so very little to the table in Phantom Pain and makes it actively worse by hijacking the plot then not having the decency to do anything notable with it. I suspect Kojima wrote himself to a corner and had no idea what to do with a character whose fate was already sealed and I will forever give him shit for that and wasting away Skull face because pHaNtOm pAiN.
Yes I have faith in the new director of Ragnarok and can't wait for the Ragnarok very lucky that it's coming on ps4 as well coz I'm already damned because Spider man 2 is coming ps5 exclusively. I'd really lick Sony's shoe just convince them to bring Spider man games to PC.
Enjoy the persona series man, best jrpg games. About SMT, yes they are harder than most other RPGs (specially Nocturne) but once you know what you are doing they aren't that hard by themselves. It's challenging and the games won't hand you your win. You'll die if you go in unprepared. Bosses will sometimes have aoe attacks that hit for 80% of your party's hp. Some people call that hard, but if you know to simply keep your hp topped off, it shouldn't be a problem. so play persona and get a better understanding of jrpg if you are new. All right now favourite girl in persona lmao, I'd say Takemi not just because she dresses like punk but I really feel like she was the Link I enjoyed the most. From the very start I loved her personality and design. Her story was great and felt deeper to me than a lot of the others.
Yes I played Last of us part 2, I agree with the gameplay and it is one of the best looking game. Now for the story, I think the first one worked better because it was simpler, with hours of in-game time dedicated to 2 characters and their developing relationship. In contrast, TLOU2 tried to do more in that same amount of time and some characters just felt like "rushed". A perfect example would be Abby/Lev relationship. While I liked Lev as a character, I think the writers didn't take their time developing his and Abby's relationship as they needed to draw a parallel between Joel and Ellie as fast as possible. So Abby goes from killing Scars to going above and beyond saving one in just a couple of in-game hours. Joel could have been handled better, I felt like the way they tried making us sympathize with Abby was too on the nose and should have been subtler. The game has actually good story ideas implemented well but it needed a lot more work in my opinion.
So yeah. I've been playing Death stranding recently so far I'm actually enjoying being a delivery man and the characters are interesting so far but can't say anything more about the story.
Yes I have discord (Vergil#0001) add me whenever. I don't play mp game often nowdays but maybe I will.