so i think they need a what s on ur mind or favourite quote or phrase though im sure there is one because natsu is amazing
let s work togeather
ok lets see who can destroy this guy fasterr
you on
I thought that I would throw that out there, since our last convo about it really going no where and even the writer wasn't sure anymore. Thought you might be happy to see it end. Of course it would not surprise me to just see it basically start over again. But who know what they will do. Probably just let it die. Or who knows maybe do some prequel stuff, that might be kinda cool.
But I will also have to look up that manga see if it's on the list, just have to fill my lunch time you know.
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let s work togeather
ok lets see who can destroy this guy fasterr
you on
im paaraphrasing but u get the idea
But I will also have to look up that manga see if it's on the list, just have to fill my lunch time you know.