Hey! I found your profile randomly, and clicked because I liked your picture. Everything you design is so cute! Love your profile and anime list. I thought of studying Graphic Design too, but I ended up with Languages.
I see you're from Netherlands, how is it there? I'm curious '(^_^ )
Welcome. ^^ Yeah, it's been awhile. I was busy with a lot of stuffs lately, so least watching of anime or reading of manga for me..well, except for some anime I am actively following like FMA:B and Darker than Black S2. How about you?
btw, I am advertising something so I hope this is not a bother at all ~
Here I have a Favor, If you don't really mind .. I would like to invite you here in i-animanga.co.nr one of my anime websites^_^It is the only Anime website I got finished :) and so, I am inviting you guys to join!^^It is a Anime Community! Don't be shy to tell me or give some opinions and compliments about how to make the site better^^I also need some Mods but I am still searching >< ..
It has been a while since I arranged the things in there due to the reason that I am really BUSY and I can't handle it at all so forgive me if anything is wrong!It is still UnderConstruction though I think It's fine to invite more people :)
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Alien vs Predator has nothing on this!
I see you're from Netherlands, how is it there? I'm curious '(^_^ )
btw, I am advertising something so I hope this is not a bother at all ~
Here I have a Favor, If you don't really mind .. I would like to invite you here in i-animanga.co.nr one of my anime websites^_^It is the only Anime website I got finished :) and so, I am inviting you guys to join!^^It is a Anime Community! Don't be shy to tell me or give some opinions and compliments about how to make the site better^^I also need some Mods but I am still searching >< ..
It has been a while since I arranged the things in there due to the reason that I am really BUSY and I can't handle it at all so forgive me if anything is wrong!It is still UnderConstruction though I think It's fine to invite more people :)
Thank you very much^^