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Mahoutsukai ni Taisetsu na Koto: Taiyou to Kaze no Sakamichi
Sep 24, 2007 9:17 AM
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:) waiting to hear a good results in sha Allah.
What about you, aren't you supposed to be studying for finals ?
Well, I am fine alhamdulillah, hoping that you are too, how was the hajj, I hope it was joyful and blessing trip :) ?
Well as you know I have no time almost to watch but I am reading Manga :P
I am currently watching Ceres and onther anime called Honey and Clover :)
What about u ? Can u watch ?
I am doing fine despite the flu
what about you ?
What Computer problem !
But I hope now everything is fine, so how is college with you ?
Now my vacation start I am so happy :P so alive I slept with no intention of getting early and yet I woke up 10:52 a.m ~
What about you ? How is things with you ?
Any way I also pass to say hi, and happy vacation
I stopped at 17 I want to complete it.
So it is action/comedy :)
Any recommendation, something I could download ?