THEME:i like happy endings even in horror genre at least for main characters if it impossible for whole crew.....
GENRE:i'm not bound to any specific genre but i don't watch harem ....
VOICE ACTING:recently I'm taken an interest in voice actors, sometime their voice involve me more than the characters, i really love to listen to their beautiful, warm or even funny voices and japan is gifted with many talents at this profession.....
SUB OR DUB? definitely sub.i prefer hard subbed over soft subbed cause it's more beautiful,detailed,comes on time, have lots of useful note which wouldn't interfere with main line oppose to soft subs
All Comments (2) Comments
Have you been studying Japanese too and what do you think of Ghost in the Shell?
An Italian tomboy I haven't seen in ages is a huge fan of that manga besides Evangelion. She also has the same birthday as you.