Hey, It's
SHOTAslime! Let me tell you a lil' bit 'bout myself.
I am into
incest, yuri, Hentai,Shotacon,Lolicon, and Futanari
I do not care for
Yaoi (without shota), Shonen, Shojo, bishounen or Jousei.
I have been into anime since I was 14. I got into hentai when I was 17.
My first anime was
Soul Eater.
My favorite videogames are
Katawa Shojo,
Monster Girl Quest, Popotan, Kanon, and Pokemon: Black
About my Tags
futanari: involves women with penises or men with vaginas
scat: hentai involving feces(yuck! XP)
ecchi: contains suggestive fan-service
Hentai: contains explicit sexual themes;for adults only!!
Shōnen: aimed at young boys
Shōjo: aimed at girls
Jōsei: aimed at women
Seinen:aimed at men
Shota/ shotacon : sexualizes boys (my fav!)
Loli/ lolicon: sexualizes girls
yaoi: Shōjo/Jōsei involving gay relation ships
bara: Yaoi for guys
yuri: lesbian relationships. Unlike Yaoi, it can be for either gender.
Omorashi involves urination
[url=http://imgflip.com/user-images/MysteriousN] [size=150][b]
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