I am well within my right as a user of this site to write a review how I see fit. It is also your right to read them, and use them to weigh the decision of watching the anime that I reviewed. I write short reviews because I hate reading a book when I just want to know if the series is interesting and worth the watch. If you don't like it, then please don't read my reviews.
I saw your breaker new waves review and you said it took forever for it to get anywhere right? Didn't the first breaker spend about the same amount of chapters of him just in school and him moaning and groaning about becoming strong, before anything interesting really happened? The artist is having to introduce brand new characters and a brand new story line that works in with what he left off with. This will take time. And hopefully this series will be longer than 69 chapters so it will have somewhere to go, like you were saying. But idk I just felt like saying this. xDD
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