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Hokuou Kizoku to Moukinzuma no Yukiguni Karigurashi
Sep 11, 2024 9:33 PM
· Scored
All Comments (3) Comments
It's all good, these things are all a matter of opinion, and if I had the patience to go back through Bakemonogatari and read all the gosh darn text in that thing I might completely reconsider it. Tastes change and at the end of the day its mostly a matter of opinion. Most of the time it's just nice to have a legitimate discussion about an anime with someone.
And I've kept up with anime for the most part, I just sort of dropped off here when the whole site went down for like a month 2 years ago or so? Got out of the habit of spending time here and never picked it back up, but who knows, maybe I'll stick around again. Stranger things have happened.
Cheers my friend