All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 72.2
Mean Score:
- Watching10
- Completed229
- On-Hold16
- Dropped7
- Plan to Watch124
- Total Entries386
- Rewatched3
- Episodes4,261
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 17.9
Mean Score:
- Total Entries92
- Reread0
- Chapters2,849
- Volumes221
All Comments (252) Comments
Seems really nice, will look into it, if it's was so cute and funny.
Not really much, I've been very busy with my graduation internship.
I only saw Tonikaku Kawaii lately. It was pretty nice, where wholesome. ^^
Horimiya is amazing, you'll love it.
Same here, even i got to catch up to Dr. Stone S2
I don’t wanna spend all my money because I need it for a new PC.
that's actually such a big mood haha
this is my third time trying to pick it up, my friend's learning with me this time so i hope i'll have more motivation ><
it's not too late! i'll be cheering you on if you do decide to do that!
i've been wanting to play genshin but i don't think i'll have the time to grind out the game how i want to ;;
(sorry for the late response)
It is not that graphic, it is more of a lighthearted action anime with a great story to tell. You should try it sometimes
Yeah I can understand that, when I was new to anime that was what I did but I luckily grew out of it just last year
I'll recommend it unless suicide and depression is a topic you don't want to touch, if not then you should go for it because it is a masterpiece and it is my favorite anime airing right now
Do you usually binge animes?