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Bleach: Sennen Kessen-hen - Kashin-tan
Dec 29, 2024 9:26 AM
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Bleach: Sennen Kessen-hen - Soukoku-tan
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TAK3Z0 Dec 31, 2015 9:06 AM
Happy new year 2016 !!
Jishimorin-ku Feb 8, 2015 3:05 AM

Sugram22 Jan 4, 2015 2:17 PM
happy new year
Lommelun Jul 6, 2014 4:28 AM

Militus Mar 8, 2014 9:16 PM
Namine's Cafe Newsletter & Competition Announcement

Nebarto Feb 21, 2014 5:38 PM
Eh, I liked the ending, but I don't know if I want to read his new works, if it's anything like KNIM.
Nebarto Feb 8, 2014 4:39 PM
Woww, that ending made me tear up. Thought it was great. Finally ended too, and the new work I can't wait.
Sugram22 Jan 19, 2014 12:39 AM
i combined 1 topic posts in to 1
Sugram22 Jan 19, 2014 12:38 AM
i also say'd he could accepted the offer to become Chef, & second it can happen in real life to, depends on a Boss, its rare but possible 1 from 100 that get to work under Boss that is that type of a good person, & i also say'd he could just ask, can i get place in Tokyo, asking never hurts any1, so my opinion of the matter dose not change, there are meany ways not 1, but he so only 1 cause hes short sided dummy, But its possible that even a good Boss like that would say, Sry right new other places are full :D, but il let u know if anything changes, & if he would struggle like he did to find new job, he just needs to suck up hes pride & let Yuzu take care of him until he finds a job, so he will live from her money, its not like hes lazy who wants to live like that, like some, but i ton't think it would come to that if he decides to become chef, but i heard rumor he gets promoted & gets place in Tokyo, u were talking about realism, is that realistic that guy who finishes school properly, i think he even finished collage cant find a job in a are in hes nation where he wants? no it is not, i have heard some have difficulty's getting job, but not were they want, cause some bosses want a new worker that has experience, & when they go to another city they get the same response, not just that, but in there + they live on another city becomes a issue in bosses eyes, & most people who have finished school & are problem finding job are to picky, they want job that pays a lot so they could live in luxury, & they ton't realize that u can always get what u want, if Haru is kind of person who puts hes job firs then i know hes future, hes wife chet's him cause she feels lonely, or he will do it cause of same reason or both, & second, when they get kids, they turn in to drug addicts or criminals, well that's, it happen's with most people who put their jobs first (bot not with all, if their kids have relatives who will but their nose in to it, cause they see this kids are bad parents), thinking only about money, well they think about cause of their family, but with out thinking that family need them more then they need the money, high pay they get, & its quite possible if Haru gets promoted, cause with promotion comes more work, it would be in real life mots likely scenario, so i doubt that Seo will write it like that, it was an example Hajime story from Jigoku Shoujo is best example, hes story is raveled close to end & i tont mean final EP, but the hole series, i guess u half to watch it first to understand that example, HE MC there But Ai is shown first, so i guess hes second mane, but key to mane plot as well, at first u feel like there is no mane plot, but there is, new that hes single father he got hes priority's straight, got it when she was a lot younger then she is in Jigoku Shoujo first season, also before he went to work there, he should have taken temporary job as Chef (that would have been a option to), until he find a job he wants (& when he works as Chef he can marry Yuzu & rise a kid & search a new job), then he would have more time to look for job what he would like, if hes that picky about jobs, cause people mostly do jobs cause they need to, not cause they like it, but Haru seems to search a job that he would like, & for hes selfishness he brakes up with her, ironic isn't it? he say'd i couldn't ask her to give it up for my selfishness, but right new hes being even more selfish, as i explained, & he can even stay as a Chef for life in my opinion, cause as i say'd, for loved one u do even a job what u ton't like much, but haru is neutral about it, its just Haru dose not see Chef Job as something he would do for life, like he sayd its hobby to him, hes not against Chef thing, he dose not want to only cause he sees it as a hobby, not even for Yuzu, after he worked so hard to be with her & suferd a lot of pain cause of her & still went bac to her, so u cant defend him, hes dumb & selfish, al stuff i pointed out weighs over all u say'd, & i can pring up meany more reasons, but not sure i want to waste my energy on that :D, it sems today i heave made a lot of posts to u already :D
Sugram22 Jan 18, 2014 12:01 AM
tomoya's father was a drunk, mother dead, father was not violent, but how it effected Tomoya, how he felt, & what problems the old man caused, gambling debts 1 thing, his life was crap until he met Haeroine, well hes life was still crap, but Heroine just made him feel better

to me ushio's death was more impactful cause MC already lost 1 person & second would be 2much, second, first MC rejected ushio & finally when he accepted her she is taken away from him, 3th ushio was the only thing left for him from hes love who died, from Nagi
Sugram22 Jan 16, 2014 3:29 PM
BDW Jigoku Shoujo is good anime, hell girl, Ai deals with punishing people, a girl in school was bullied & she contacted Ai/Hellgirl & she gave her straw doll & around it red string, & Ai say's if u really want to burnish ur tormentor untie the red string & our contract is sealed I i carry ur tormentor straight to hell, how ever, once its done ur soul will also belong to hell, after u die that is, u never feel joys of haven, new the choice is urs , & then dispersed again, but Ai way carrying some1 to hell is not straight to hell, first they want to hear a confession, so the person is dragged in to some like some other world between hell & earth, a empty world what is reshaped awry time Ai uses it, to fit with the situation, like 1 guy was dragged there from the party & he still so all he friends there, suddenly 1 guy turns around & hes face is skull, so Ai gives the guilty haunted house until they confess, Hell before Hell LOL, well its not just haunted house cause person wont die there & they could torture him to, & they have, well almost, he confessed before the could cut of hes legs, & if it happens there, person also wont bleed, but feels the pain, but ton't worry it dose not show hard core torture :D, they confess before it reaches to that point :D, but still they experience Hell before Hell
Sugram22 Jan 15, 2014 9:49 AM
also he should try to talk with hes boss, not just that, he should have done it when he got the job, & talk about job in Tokyo, but he just took it without thinking, maybe Boss would have had opportunity to give him job in Tokyo, but he even didn't ask, also if he would have explained that hes GF is working in Tokyo then, maybe Boss would have even bent rules of hes company a bit to help him, well if i would be hes Boss i would try to help the guy :)

BDW i laughed at hes job interview, how he talked half of hes life story there LOL
Sugram22 Jan 15, 2014 9:16 AM
Haru could become Chef, some1 offered it once, cant remember who, Akari's friend? i remember it was friend of a friend, who cares if he dose not see it as a, how did he say it? if he wants to be with the one he loves takes even a job that he dose not like!!! & he has nothing against Chef job, its just he dose not see it as a...
Sugram22 Jan 14, 2014 11:49 PM
if he would put Yuzu first he could still find new job, so when u say'd ur partner shouldn't be first is not 100% right, putting ur partner first dose not mean u should not work at all, it dose not matter what kind of a job he finds as long as Haru can be with Yuzu
Sugram22 Jan 13, 2014 11:07 AM
about new chapter 257

again Haruto is being retard, she finally became the teacher she wanted, i couldn't ask her to give it up for my selfishness, my reaction WTF!!! who say'd she needs to quite her job, either of u have same choice, quite to be able to marry, so Haru should quite not Yuzu, & also Seo, how can he come out with something that dumb? it dose not make sense, cause he talks about Yuzu quieting her job, like its an only option, like hes so dumb & dose not see that there is 2 choices not 1, if he would see, then he would say i cant quite, but he wont write it like that cause Haru cant answer that, if he would it would be even dumber, cause i cant start life with Yuzu, why is is dumb? cause he cant start life with Yuzu either way with hes logic LOL, he cant quite cause he wants to start life with Yuzu, but how can he if they broke up :D, awry excuse including current one is dumb & would make no sense, Seo should have made him com e to his senses (with or without any1's help) in this Chap, not make him act like retard
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