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Shina Dark: Kuroki Tsuki no Ou to Souheki no Tsuki no Himegimi
Dec 18, 2011 10:01 PM
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Cica :Request sent 09-15-11 =)) abia acu vazui cererea xD gomen ne :))
First of all, a happy new year to all of you who are already in 2012 and all of those who will be in a couple of hours. May 2012 be every good thing you had in 2011 and everything you would've loved to have, but didn't get yet.
Anime Nexus is expending little by little. Klac already announced our new group on Crunchyroll. Now we can happily announce we've got a page on Facebook as well. For those of you who visit Facebook more often then MAL, it's an ideal way of keeping informed of our status and new activities. So if you have a Facebook account, don't hesitate to follow us there, we'll announce everything over there as well.
I'd also like to mention that the new layout will be ready either this evening (in a couple of hours) or tomorrow. You all know how busy New Year is, so I hope you can understand. The Prize Cards for the 30 Day Challenge will be delivered soon as well. I know some of you have been patiently waiting for it, so thanks for being able to wait.
am doar cont de google plus .. e mai interesant si mai usor de utilizat decat fb