i make
silly youtube videos :)
you'll find my weirdly specific ratings of my completed anime
on this google doc
ignore my mal scores entirely, just defer to the google doc if you wanna know what score i gave a show
(keep in mind i do not score my shows around this scale, but rather this scale is a description/mapping of the way i already scored shows)
10 - the best show(s) i have seen at a given time. for the past 5 years, this has just been ping pong the animation
9 - absolutely masterful, had me happy/excited to watch it for the entire duration with a good amount to chew on (whether it be visual or conceptual)
8 - a pretty great time, probably some low moments or pacing issues but overall worth a recommendation and probably has some ideas i find unique and/or worth discussing
7 - a fun time, but probably flawed in some ways that may cause me to drop it. most 7s are shows i would lightly recommend to certain demographics of people, but would basically never recommend to everyone. might have specific ideas, music, character art, etc that really appealed to me without necessarily being a great time overall. generally i drop these when they are consistently at about a 7/10, whereas shows that fluctuate from bad to amazing will end up as a 7 but will generally get finished
6 - more good/enjoyable moments than bad (but with that ratio not being super favorable), OR just a bit boring overall while still catching my attention occasionally with certain characters, jokes, music, ideas, etc. i almost always drop these unless they are relatively short (movie length or less) and/or very culturally relevant/being talked about in a way i want to join in on
5 - something i neither strongly like nor dislike. anything i give a 5 is probably not offensive in any way without presenting anything of particular value to me
4 - more bad moments than good, generally difficult to watch or very boring while containing the occasional idea that i find interesting or unique about it
3 - worse version of 4, bad moments are more offensive and good moments matter less
2 - better version of 1, not the literal worst thing i've seen but actively bad/irritating/offensive in a way that i do not find funny or endearing at all
1 - the worst show i've seen at a given time, at this moment probably mars of destruction. inert, boring, ugly, frustrating, and outright abrasive to experience
All Comments (26) Comments
I realize it's not for everyone, which is why it was the third recommendation (no pun intended) and many have small attention spans or get bored easily (not directing this at you specifically), but it's still one I consider a hidden gem till this day and finding something you hadn't dropped after 1 episode was pretty difficult.
all I could honestly tell from your list was you liked comedy/sports https://anime.plus/mop/favorites,anime , and I don't watch sports at all so wasn't a great match, but then again had they matched you with someone who only watches sports, that wouldn't have worked either since you have most likely watched or dropped all the good ones, so recommending things that weren't sports was probably for the best.
This is where I watched it. Unfortunately, no sub. I did a little searching, and funny enough, this OAV used to be on crunchyroll according to a forum post back in 2008. Or at least, from my understanding. Basically a bunch of videos got taken down. I think it used to be on MAL, too, since when looking it up on Google, the MAL link shows a video but it's not there when you go to the page.