All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 57.7
Mean Score:
- Watching49
- Completed309
- On-Hold49
- Dropped74
- Plan to Watch33
- Total Entries514
- Rewatched6
- Episodes3,476
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 39.1
Mean Score:
- Total Entries203
- Reread2
- Chapters4,010
- Volumes644
All Comments (39) Comments
how'd you read 3 chs? i only found 2 online.
i like the one about the skinny old couple :D
i recommend not simple by her =]
i never thought from that perspective, and tbh, prior to seeing that post, i somewhat thought along the lines of "yaoi is b/w men, so girly uke beats beats the point of reading BL". i can see how narrow-minded that kind of thinking is.
personally, i still go for manlier men and uke, just because that's just what gets me off.
so yeah. you make me think fr different perspectives. i like that.
so i saw your yamashita post on tumblr.
oh me gawsh. i googled "la vie en rose" because seeing anything related to yamashita tomoko gets me excited, and it's a novel? and yamashita only did the art for the cover? *currently downloading the novel even though i can't read it. this makes no sense. idk what i'm doing* oh i "read" mo'some sting and butter from her. mo'some sting looks soo good. and butter loooked really cute and it was nice seeing something from her that wasn't a bl.
it's amazing how raw manga can entertain me more than translated manga. i'm appreciating the face expressions her charas make even more after reading it raw.....
h-hey dear
Uhmm well actually it was but I had other stuff to buy so I didn't knew it for sure. I loved the cover but I wasn't too sure about buying a manga without knowing how good the story is etc (I was planning on looking for reviews etc but I found out there aren't any o.o) but yeah, the cover is the reason I wanted to buy it in the first place :P
I love shounen-ai stories with good char development and an actual story xD I think I'll buy it! ^^
Thanks again for the reply ~(^^)~
I see you've read the manga "I give to you" aka Kimi ni Ageru. I'm planning on reading (buying) it but I don't know if it's worth it. So, could you tell me how it is? Is it good? ^^
Byebyee ~
It really does. :| I may not like Gravity Eyes but at least it's only two volumes and doesn't keep going forever. Oh god, I remember reading this title years ago that had like five different spin-offs of the same story with the same characters and it just kept going. I was like akhdsj;;dsfkhs, please stop already. D: