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Josee to Tora to Sakana-tachi
Josee to Tora to Sakana-tachi
Aug 13, 2022 12:28 PM
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Mamahaha no Tsurego ga Motokano datta
Mamahaha no Tsurego ga Motokano datta
Jul 13, 2022 8:54 AM
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Summer Ghost
May 6, 2022 10:40 AM
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Natsu e no Tunnel, Sayonara no Deguchi
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Hinabestgirl Mar 9, 2021 2:36 PM
LustrousParadox Feb 19, 2021 8:01 PM
As you just said, 12 episodes is quite the short span of time for a great storyline. while I completely agree that the day I became a god is a great story, it indeed, should have had more episodes. it shouldn't be the writers who suffers from the anger of the viewers when time restraints are imposed. but seriously, it would have been such a success if it was a 24 episode long series. I could see it. is sad.
but.. i'm thankful that you stand for stuff like this.
LustrousParadox Feb 18, 2021 7:22 AM
Read what you said about Jun Maeda. Cleared alot about the hate id been seeing. Thanks for pointing that info out.
Domsa Feb 1, 2021 7:57 AM
Hard agree, SoL best genre for me too. Oh yeah, there's just so much A certain Magical Index out there. I ordered the first volume to give it a try because I've just kept postponing it. I've been really reticent when it came to spending too much money on manga at first, but since august last year or so I've lost control with the pandemic and everything. I just started ordering most of the things I like. Need to take a break now and focus on getting the bds from Sangatsu and Sound Euphonium before buying any more manga/lns, but there's just so much stuff coming out in February.

Ah don't worry about that, I mean even if you finish faster than that I still think the 1 volume a day is the best pace to let the info sink in. I have a pretty low attention span and I read 1-2 chapters at a time then take a short break or smth, so it ends up being the same pace mostly for LNs. Plus I also have longer periods of time during which I don't read anything besides the weekly releases in order not to get burned out on the medium.

Oh yeah I also gotta finish Shinsekai Yori. I really liked it, but I took a break after ep. 11 and just completely forgot about it. Thanks for the reminder xd
Domsa Jan 31, 2021 7:04 PM
Yeah exactly. It took me by surprise completely as I was only getting accustomed with the setting and they were already on top of each other. I felt like it was going in a different direction than it actually did.

Ah, that's too bad. I'm lucky to have a few local shops and Amazon which have really cheap shipping fees, even via an express service. You could try Bookdepository as they have worldwide free shipping and they also get to your destination quite fast (2-3 weeks I'd say). Most books are quite cheap too, but they've gotten a bit more expensive for me compared to Amazon post-Brexit. (from 12-13$ to 15-16$ for most LNs).

Yeah, no worries I'll let you know^^. But tbh if the rest of the book is as you've said, different from 2nd chapter, I doubt I'll end up dropping it. I was not much of a bookworm previously, but manga and LNs have got me. Just be aware I'm rather biased when it comes to them and I also tend to rate those I own a bit higher because the quality of the physical print's writing is usually a big improvement over the WN or fanslations. (except Overlord. If you want to get into it, read the fanslations, even if you want to buy the official version)

And regarding recommendations hmm.. if you're into romance I think you might enjoy Spice and Wolf (LN, amazing romance up to vol 18 where I am + some great insight into medieval economics and trading, while the dialogue between Holo and Lawrence is just so entertaining to follow), His and her circumstances (manga, the art is not the best, but the characters are stunning, especially in the later parts), Golden Time (light novel or anime, about university students, overall I'd say it is a pretty well-received romcom) or Horimiya (manga of a currently airing show, which is on the fluffier side of things). I've also really enjoyed Slow motion wo mou ichido, which is pretty tropey and standard, but both the male lead and female lead are into 80s JP pop culture (city pop, games, clothing etc) and you've got some amazing songs recommended there. If you listen to those during the chapters they're mentioned in, it's a totally different experience. And I also couldn't help, but root, for those two lovable goofballs. I've also seen Jaku-chara Tomozaki recommended everywhere, but I haven't started it yet, as there's also the anime airing atm, so I will prolly pick it up after it finishes airing.

If you don't mind smut in your literature and heavy emphasis on the physical aspects of a relationship (at least at first), Nozoki Ana's got a hot take on romance (it's very explicit tou and dwells into NTR territory). It might appear very shallow at first, but it's about opening up to your significant other, being true to yourself, guilt and past trauma. (and another hot take on romance is Nana to Kaoru which is a BDSM manga, but the way it explores some normal concepts in an abnormal relationship is just something else). There are just so many options to choose from.. that's what makes the medium so great.

And last but not least, two manga whose main focus is not romance (I'd say they are focused on character growth, drama, youth and overcoming hardships), but have some really nice slow-burners going-on: 3-gatsu no Lion and Chihayafuru. I've just got to recommend those two. Both have some amazing anime adaptations too.

Just take my ratings with a grain of salt, because, for example, I rated Golden Time a 5 for a single thing that ruined the whole deal for me (no spoilers - spooky, if you watch it, you'll make connections), but I'd still recommend it as a good romance. If you watched Toradora, people praise Golden Time as the anime that took what Toradora did well and actually improved those aspects.
Domsa Jan 31, 2021 11:54 AM
Aren't the Kono LN ga sugoi ranking popularity ones? I mean SAO's been a top contender, while Progressive is nowhere in there, while the majority consensus is that progressive is what SAO should have been. Part popularity based on reader's poll + insight from the critics, publishers etc but both regarding popularity. I mean I would really doubt a critic that ranked Kirito as the best character and some really questionable novels over 86, among other things... Anyway, usually there are some pretty nice novels up there too so yeah.

Hah it's good to know that it won't be a reoccurrence. I didn't enjoy the 2nd chapter at all, but if it the writing were a bit more polished (as is the case with the physical prints of most novels) I would have kept going, but if you say that it won't be as cliché as the 1st 2 chapters seemed to be, I might give it another shot. It also helps knowing that the 1st volume is a compilation of wn extracts (that explains quite a lot tbh regarding wording and structure).

I'll give it a shot, I mean at least the first volume and see where it is headed.. I mean if the writing or the plot becomes better than the first 2 chapters, I'll prolly keep reading it. I just tend to drop stuff quite easily if the start doesn't pull me in, but if the start is really strong, the rest of it can be utter nonsense and I'll still watch/read it (eg Steinsgate which I dropped initially for 1st category and Macross Delta for 2nd). I'm still waiting on my Otonari no Tenshi-sama to be delivered. Was really looking forward to that one.

Thanks for your review and insight btw and have a nice week! ^^
Domsa Jan 31, 2021 7:23 AM
Also, how do you feel about the 2nd volume? Had a few novels I couldn't get into because of the 1st one, but really liked them starting with the 2nd. Would you say it is an improvement? If so, I might have to give it a shot just to not miss out on anything.
Domsa Jan 31, 2021 6:53 AM
Ok so bear with me, it was because it was the 5th most popular novel in the 'Kono Light Novel ga Sugoi' 2021? If something is that high on there and looks like I might enjoy it, I'll give it a shot.

Also that's not why I dropped it, that was more of a tag so people would know what type of tropes you'll deal with. I dropped it because I'm not a big fan of the writing. I just can't take seriously a novel dropping LOLOLOLOLOLs on me and that does the same mistakes I do when I'm not paying attention regarding wording. It was not the story I had my biggest problems with, as 2 chapters are too few to have an opinion, but when it comes to writing you can defo forge one in that span. And also Kanojo no Imouto to Kiss shita, which I read immediately after and has some similarities is fine from a writing perspective, as such I stuck with it.

If this gets edited and published as a LN in English, I'll give it another shot, but in it's current state, I doubt I'll try reading something that makes me feel dyslexic.. If you read the original, I can see why you'd be happy with it, but the current translations you can find online (really grateful to the translators for making it available, preach), if they are not totally off, are giving off a really poorly written vibe. Trashy is not equal to bad and trust me on this one, but people won't be talking about this novel in 5 years, not even in 3. And as trashy manga/novels are those you use as a time sink, getting some temporary enjoyment out of it, but you forget most of the action by the following week or so, I think this fits in quite well.

Also: for some, if not most, western countries, family law LOLOLOLOLOL treats collaterals by affinity the same as the ones related by blood hahaha. So it is rather odd DAAAAAMMMMNNNN IIIIITTTTT, but it is not the first time I've seen this trope played, and neither the last pogchamp. <-Is it a pleasure to read this? Actually scrap that. It is amazing writing, as it intentionally mocks the current trends of most wattpad writers. I wasn't woke enough to understand. /s

On a final note, I also have a few really hot takes regarding anime and manga, but that does not mean they are universally good. Same stands true for Mamahaha. You will see that the moment you get more in-depth into the LN market, as the 'reskinning' process seems to be thriving and a lot of books end up being just a random mix of the same reusable tropes and while this type of writing might seem ok at first, it gets REALLY tiring after a while. I just do not have the energy to deal with it, unless the plot is really interesting.
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