-about me-
let's see ..
my screen name is mistress of chain, don't ask me why, 'cuz i just feel like it :DD
yea i'm random xDD
-random things!-
i am a decent pianist now because of la corda d'oro and nodame cantabile.
detective conan!! i seriously want to be a detective because of this , and err.. im more aware of my surroundings .. :DD
vampire knight , trinity blood , karin , princess resurrection , there are vampires!!! :DD
natsume yuujinchou, d.gray-man , clyamore , ghost hunt --- sooo there are demons huh .. i want to exorcise one!! i love horror stuff O.O
kuroshitsuji - i love ciel .. *bow*
and many more O.O if im gonna enumerate them all .. err .. im kinda lazy at typing ...
-about my personal life-
ok, my real name is patricia .. well i guess i don't have to hide my whole identity, right? i live in a very small land but definitely a very important place to me, the Philippines, it's my Motherland ^^ .. i am currently in high school .. err. that's it :p *back to stealth mode*
oh, and just call me raya .. mistressofchain is kinda long .. x.x
---am i weird ?? yea , i know :D but more of an awesome weirdo :p
have anything to ask ? ASK ME!! RIGHT NOW :DD LOL xDD
<!--link--><a href="http://www.formspring.me/imalocket">ask here:DD[/url]
ask me please? please?? no rude questions!
hello everyone :D you may have noticed (or not) that I'm not active here on MAL these past few weeks (actually months) so I'm truly sorry that I'm not replying to your comments, so rude of me. You see, I've been VERY busy, I'm on HIATUS :'[ not only here on MAL but also w/ my life DD: I can't even keep track of my precious CARDS T.T Since I moved to another place, my life began to turn. I don't even have time now to watch anime :C And actually... I'm currently focusing on my career[?] or so.. for now I'm just planning for my future?? (LOL.. XD) I have so many plans to do in my life and now I can't keep track. *sigh* anyways just wish me luck. Thanks :) I'll be back :D
p.s.: maybe ofc i'll still keep in touch here but now like back then.. oh and i promised a club that i would make cards so since i promised i'll still do it .. please wait for it~
All Comments (251) Comments
How you doing?
GOOD DAY FALC MEMBERS! This may be too late already but let us still greet you a BELATED HAPPY NEW YEAR, at least. We're having our very first newsletter to start the New Year. Hoooray~ We tried our best to shorten this as much as possible. And now, first things first:
FALC, as the name says, is a MAL club for Filipino anime lovers Epure or half Eand for everyone who're interested to know more about the Filipino culture. Visit once in a while and leave a comment here. Who knows, maybe you'll be able to meet someone in your area who're pretty much the same as you Eone who loves anime. We would really be glad to see the club alive with your comments. Don't forget to be friendly, ok? Also, in here, you could find different threads that may catch some of your attention.
Here's a quick guide! Just click the buttons above. Each number represents a topic in the FALC thread.
Click the picture below to visit the chat. See you there~
ATTENTION: January 21-22 (Otaku Expo 2012)
Visit this site for the schedule of activities and click #7 if you want to meet other con/expo goers!
PS. There's a longer and a more explained version of this newsletter here if you ever want to see/read it that is HAHAHA Thank you for reading this one, btw. Have a nice day and take care minna~
Hi there! I hope everyone is doing good? First of all, we have 400+ Member and there will be a Limited Edition soon. Every Saturday, there will be a Newsletter. If you wish to recieve any Newsletter, please click on the url that say Newsletter Sign Up. The Newsletter will feature what new to the club, member cards, polls, games, claims, limited edition, ETC. If you DO NOT sign up for one, I will not send any Newletters to your profile. Thank you for your time reading this Newsletter. Please have a nice day :)
Summer Limited Edition (Only 4 Spot LEFT)
Newsletter Sign Up
Member Card
Poll: Chocolate Vs. Lollipop Theme Limited Edition
Sorry for the spam ^.^"
Newsletter From Anime/Manga Lover Club (A.M.L.C.)
Important: For evey Limited Edition, there will be a poll to vote on the theme and the next day the Limited Edition will be open. Also, I will NOT send out notice about Limited Edition, but I WILL PUT A DATE when the Limited Edition is open.
On July 22nd, I'll be deleting all of member cards and claims so please saved and rehost if you didn't already. For people who request them, please wait until July 23rd to get them.
Thread That Are Open
Poll:Chocolate Vs. Lollipop Theme Limited Edition
Limited Edition Idea
Member Card
Claim A Servant
Claim A Knight
Claim A Chibi
Claim A Vampire
Claim A Twin
Adopt A Character
Summer Limited Edition
Anime/Manga Lover Club (A.M.L.C.) News Letter
Hi there everyone and sorry that the club wasn't active. Also, welcome to the new members that had joined. The club have a new layout and new member cards and later on there will be new things added. Also the club will have a poll weekly (depend if I'm not busy) to decide on the next limited edition. Lastly, there are some people that I already did their claim so please see if your claim is there.
Open Thread:
Member Card
Poll: Summer Or Romance Limited Edition
Closed Thread:
The thread that are closed are only the Claims. The claims thread will reopen after are the claim is all done and been sent out to the person who had requested them.
Claim Pick Up
IMPORTANT: Please save your claim before July 22nd
600 Members Limited Edition Open! (: click here
Badges are now here! request yours now!
Also, i made a new layout(: hope you guys like it
Very sorry for the inactive-ness of the club and i am retunring to tell everyone that we are going to have a Next Layout Theme Post. So please participate! it is going to be easy and fast, just post an anime of your choice and later on we will have see how much of one anime people have said!
Thanks! - cutiep809
Alternatively, if you can't see the image, click here.