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Ore ga Ojousama Gakkou ni "Shomin Sample" Toshite Rachirareta Ken
Mar 11, 2014 8:22 AM
· Scored
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Then maybe Maburaho- magician's school, harem, ecchi. MC starts as one who is weakest of all students in school where everyone has some kind of power - does it ring bell ?
As for checking you list well since you don't score anything, i picked some that came to my mind atm.
If you are ready for watch that will take over your emotions (in good way) go with anything from Key - Clannad + Clannad:AF, Kanon (2006)
try ef - a tale of memories., ef - a tale of melodies
H2O: Footprints in the Sand
If you want rather something lighter and simple like dude found/met cute girl(s) and a lot has happened - (Ecchi), romance, comedy, slice of life
Try out these
Ai Yori Aoshi (cute girl appears and says that MC and her are getting married out of nowhere )
DearS (living in same apartment with alien girl who has no common sense and thinks of herself as servant/slave of MC - not in dirty way ofc, well most of the time)
Busou Renkin (MC gets revived by mysterious girl and then gains power)
Romance anime with nice stories can be these
Allison & Lillia
Romeo x Juliet ( not this is not Shakespeare at all this one is actually pretty enjoyable fantasy romance anime )
If you wanna more try to check out my list > look for specific tags with [ctrl+F] "search on site tool" and check out my score to see how i liked it and then if you are unsure of some details ask me about specific anime.