You have at least a card or two in these batch of deliveries.
Don't forget to save + rehost within a month. Ctrl/Cmd + F to find your username or shortened name.
If there are any problems, you can contact mehere.
Thank you for requesting~
❖ To start, the other naming style was inspired by Megumi and Cophelia
from Cypsela <3 I know not all cards where renamed like that,
pls forgive me. I'll fix it on the next deliveries.
❖ To those who requested at Claim a Hero and a Nemesis,
I gave some bonuses since the delivery for the banners are so late.
❖ My top fave characters in YGO are: Marik Ishtar (DM), Jun Manjoume
and Judai Yuki (GX), Yuusei Fudou (5Ds), Kaito (ZeXal), Yuto (ARC V), Yusaku Fujiki (VRAINS).
❖ My 2 top faves in CardCaptor Sakura are Eriol Hiiragizawa and
Yue. The Syaoran in my faves might have fooled you,
sorry. xD But that Syaoran is from Tsubasa c:
❖ My favorite main chara from Magic Knight Rayearth is Umi Ryuuzaki 💙
Kudos to MarissaRob, for guessing right~! I also gave some of
you bonuses for liking the same childhood shows and characters as
I am. Enjoy~
❖ My top faves from Diabolik Lovers are Laito Sakamaki and
Azusa Mukami.
❖ It's good to see fellow peeps who likes Rick Riordan's works like
me! Though, some might have mistaken Heroes of Olympus with
Percy Jackson and the Olympians. But, I'll let it slide since Heroes of
Olympus is pretty much a continuation of PJO.~
❖ My fave song of VanaN'Ice is Setsugetsuka~ Enjoy the extra
card, Brii-sama x)
❖ My top fave among the Dragon Knights is Lancelot.
Congrats moonbox, Teekee, and RubiX for guessing right!
(AOP) Archery Edition (Click the image to get your cards)
I named the cards based on your MyAnimeList account Or Short names so keep that in mind!
If you have trouble finding your card just hit Ctrl+F and type your MyAnimeList name.
Feel free to DM me on MAL or Discord if there are issues. (Totally Didn't Rip Off Pacs Or Get Help From Mel To Get Into GFX)
(AOP) Blonde Haired Edition >_< (Click the image to get your cards)
I named the cards based on your MyAnimeList account Or Short names so keep that in mind!
If you have trouble finding your card just hit Ctrl+F and type your MyAnimeList name.
Feel free to DM me on MAL or Discord if there are issues. (Totally Didn't Rip Off Pacs Or Get Help From Mel To Get Into GFX)
All Comments (10) Comments
i'll check it soon and will tell you :)
sorry for the issues ><
(Click the image to get your cards)
I named the cards based on your MyAnimeList account Or Short names so keep that in mind!
If you have trouble finding your card just hit Ctrl+F and type your MyAnimeList name.
Feel free to DM me on MAL or Discord if there are issues.
(Totally Didn't Rip Off Pacs Or Get Help From Mel To Get Into GFX)
I Have Given All 3 Of Them As A Gift... Enjoy...
(Click the image to get your cards)
I named the cards based on your MyAnimeList account Or Short names so keep that in mind!
If you have trouble finding your card just hit Ctrl+F and type your MyAnimeList name.
Feel free to DM me on MAL or Discord if there are issues.
(Totally Didn't Rip Off Pacs Or Get Help From Mel To Get Into GFX)
Hey there! Please feel free to join our discord server located on our MAL club page. That's where we are most active lately!