All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 320.4
Mean Score:
- Watching20
- Completed399
- On-Hold38
- Dropped3
- Plan to Watch163
- Total Entries623
- Rewatched730
- Episodes19,444
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 52.2
Mean Score:
- Total Entries128
- Reread2
- Chapters7,897
- Volumes1,038
All Comments (24) Comments
Time to nominate your favorite anime!
Rules are simple, nominate a single anime or second one that someone else has nominated.
You may nominate something you have nominated before, but not a previous winner.
Any finished anime series, movie, or finished OAV is eligible. Any anime series currently airing is not.
Please include a url link to the anime that you are nominating as occasionally the name is repeated, but the series are completely different (i.e. Macross).
This thread will remain open until 3 June 2012 and is located here.
and i thought i was good with research, lol :P
you know, i've seen and read fruits basket some time ago, but ren sohma does not ring any bell for me >_< i can't really recall her existence! me must reread the manga in the free future for recap, 3eb hehehe though thanks alot for finding her! i was really curious!
im waiting for 3G to reach this area before i start hunting on youtube, since i have 3GB quota for download only for now, and i cant really watch at work.. soooo i guess gaming is the best option for now ^_^
yeah i hope the long wait means something huge is on the way ^_^ thanks alot for the accept!
but you got me really interested in dead fantasy, although i dont know the non final fantasy characters, it'll be tons of fun watching the chars i know fight.. ill give it a shot soon ^_^ thanks for the recommendation!
yeah i like Ifrit's changes too ^_^ 13's shiva was wierd, i never would've imagined she'd become 2, or that she could turn into a motorcycle >_> hehehe i'm still running away, fang joined not long ago.. i remember i was stuck at a boss fight that starts with hope then fang and lightning join..
hmm.. i wish they could turn it into a movie then >_< if its too short, a series then.. Zack seemed waay better as a hero than cloud, and i really wanna watch how sephiroth turned from good to a villain..
me used to get together with friends to do that too, but the group sort of disbanded with about 3 members travelling and the rest barely making it..
hehehe yeah ^_^ though once i spent time till 2 am or so replaying a battle over and over thinking there was an error in the cd (usually happens) but later i found out it was copied from a dvd9 disk.. imagine playing a game till the middle and then you find out you can no longer continue.. GAAAH me hate whoever's responsible >_<
ah i'm not familiar with evangelion, i only know how the main female characters look like, so reading the fanfic wont be as fun as when you know the characters, so until then.. sowwy >_>
true ^_^, there was a time when i was obsessed.. i even played when i had midterms or finals.. but nowadays i barely have time to read a manga..
thanks alot for the link! i love it ^_^ though even though squall looks better than cloud, ff10's shiva looks better than ff8 :P
yeah it is :D i also loved this fanart so much! you're an RPG gamer aren't you? hehe!