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Isekai Onsen ni Tensei shita Ore no Kounou ga Tondemosugiru
Aug 7, 2020 4:54 AM
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I don't know if I really have any gateway titles because I just got back into the medium recently and I don't remember most of the movies I watched as a kid except maybe Back into the future, Star wars and Harry potter.
My favourites Kurosawa movies have to be Seven Samurai, Ikiru and Red Beard, I'm only missing 3 of his movies to complete his filmography.
Hope you'll enjoy watching Hidamari no Ki ! Surprisingly few people have completed it and doesn't receive any attention despite being from Tezuka
Damn it's been a while since I had a dictionarry in my hands but I think that's it, f probably means feminine. So it will change some words in a sentence. "The" in a sentence will be feminine and not masculine if the word that goes with it is feminine... It's my mother tongue and it's still weird to write this. I'm not even sure my explanations are good. Oh boy. X)
I had trouble learning english on middle school but when I was 15 years old or something I simply learned with internet and movies/tv shows at the time. It's been some years now but I think I still make mistakes haha.
Good idea! Oh I don't know I just think it's a beautiful language. :D In movies there's Intouchables, Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulin and Les Choristes. I really liked them. And they have a great soundtrack. They're pretty popular and I think you can actually find them with, at least, english subtiles!
Oh nice I hope you had a great time. I'm starting to get good, slowly... It's frustrating but I still love this game. lol
I'm so jealous when I see videos of the best players they're so fast.
The other titles on my list were Samurai Champloo, Chihayafuru, Fune wo Amu and ReLIFE.
I have an habit of re-reading novels myself.
Titles I yet have to read. How was South of the border west of the sun? I read the synopsis the other day buying Sputnik sweetheart because of someone and it's going to be the next book I read.
Dance Dance Dance was interesting. It was the first novel of his where the supernatural streak emerges significantly so it made it... weirder. I enjoyed the characters, especially the main and the young girl and their interactions. I also felt funny when I bumped into loose references to other novels of his I've read, it made me want to re-read them "in order" eventually.
The subjects that I currently taking up are Biology, UCSP, conarts, english, physics, filipino. I don't know but it seems most of the countries has different style of learning. Example of computations are calculating the distance and displacement together to there velocity which is directly proportional to time. It is nice because you pursue what you want to do "two thumbs up" my bad for English I'm not good on it.
As for seasonals, I don't watch those, as I find keeping up weekly to be very unappealing, however some recent-ish (even though some of these are a few years old at this point) that I like are Kill La Kill, JoJo parts 1-3, Terror in Resonance, Space Dandy, and Psycho Pass, to name a few examples.
I have been into anime since February of 2018. I was never really against getting into anime, but nobody would give me a reason to, and back then, I never took any sort of incentive to do things for myself. Nobody told me what a Cowboy Bebop, a Neon Genesis Evangelion, or a Maison Ikkoku was, no. Instead, people would always recommend me whatever the big Shounen series was at the time, rather it be Naruto, Bleach, or something else along those lines, and those shows never appealed to me