brother, ik but like idk theres something abt her just annoys the living outta me. hahah but srsly i was hyped when she died ll because of how avoidable it was. i mean i beg to differ but idk hahah
yes charlotte was good and was an 8 for me but when i revisited it again with angel beats, i found that angel beats is way better than charlotte. of course, angel beats got some flaws but charlotte, holy crap im actually surprised that i didnt enjoy like i used to. side character are non existent and annoying, the comedy is poor, his little sister is annoying and i couldnt believe they decided to bring her back, the ending is a mess and have some pointless and repetitive ep. so, how can u tell me this is amazing? watch more anime and try to rewatch charlotte, u will see what i mean. I need to rewatch golden time because i plan to, ik what u mean by that is because ghost banri and how insufferable he was right?
well, it is wholesome but a bit boring due to some ridiclous but other than its still a good show. u gave charlotte and another a 9, ur taste is worse than mine.
Wow just an ep and u decided yup no lol at least give it like 2 or 3 eps to fully say u dont like it. U cant just watch the 1 ep and say yup i dont like it smh.
if ppl dying for the sake of it, is ur cup of tea then go for it but for me, all the deaths in that show is just plain retarded and even the students are just brain dead lol accusing ppl with no real basis and then throw the mystery element out of the window just like that. The story of platinum end wasn’t anything special. the concept of survival games to become god, or to acquire some sort of power, has been done before. if u opinion is that u think this is a masterpiece then i cant take ur opinion srsly.
how is it a masterpiece when only 4 eps is released? nah i dont understand how can u see another is great, have u not see the absolute mess of the last 3 eps lmao. Parasyte is way better than another and even platinum end. shinichi is a way better mc than mirai
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