I'm kind of in the middle. Sometimes I feel really old and other times like a baby. We're that in between generation.
But we can just pretend that you and I are young forever o/
oh my, you're right. i didn't know you were quite so young. haha , but you are still older than me ;D
I find myself either being a baby or an old person on this site and without people my age usually xD
Names are a beautiful thing , and treasures in different languages , they're so important :)
I wouldn't worry about it. I can understand you perfectly. Just knowing English isn't your first language and that you try so hard is more than enough to recognize without scrutiny.
I did just that. I don't think I can quite get the accent down but I think I get the beauty of the sound :)
That's always been quite complex to me--I was just discussing how I get confused between certain chinese words because to me, as a non-native speaker, they sound the same but their meaning is entirely different. So I would be worried if I mis-spoke to someone.
I have to say that is quite an interesting name with a meaning like a double-edged sword :0 I'm curious as to how that is pronounced though as I have to different versions rolling off my tongue <.<
No, No, No -- Thank /You/ accepting my request to be friends.
I'm normally addressed as Chu or Zhang , and you?
I look forward to the possible relationship that ensue between us.
1. IRC kanalımız açılmıştır herhangi bir IRC istemcisiyle veya direk tarayıcınızdan http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=%23myanimelist-turkey adresinden #myanimelist-turkey kanalına bağlanabilirsiniz
2. Son zamanlarda Myanimelist sitesindeki Unicode uyumluluk sorunu yüzünden kulübün adı TURKEY olarak değiştirilmiştir.
All Comments (7) Comments
But we can just pretend that you and I are young forever o/
I find myself either being a baby or an old person on this site and without people my age usually xD
I wouldn't worry about it. I can understand you perfectly. Just knowing English isn't your first language and that you try so hard is more than enough to recognize without scrutiny.
That's always been quite complex to me--I was just discussing how I get confused between certain chinese words because to me, as a non-native speaker, they sound the same but their meaning is entirely different. So I would be worried if I mis-spoke to someone.
I'm normally addressed as Chu or Zhang , and you?
I look forward to the possible relationship that ensue between us.
1. IRC kanalımız açılmıştır herhangi bir IRC istemcisiyle veya direk tarayıcınızdan http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=%23myanimelist-turkey adresinden #myanimelist-turkey kanalına bağlanabilirsiniz
2. Son zamanlarda Myanimelist sitesindeki Unicode uyumluluk sorunu yüzünden kulübün adı TURKEY olarak değiştirilmiştir.