Hey there!
Sorry to hear about your loved ones.
I too lost a grandmother.
I believe in petting neighbor cats instead of having them live with me.
Have you seen Jurassic Park? Do you recall the scene with the t-rex and the chained goat. Yeah. The thrill of the hunt.
In fact I was just trying to pet a cat near to my flat as I drove home from the bakery. Mission not successful. The other day I could lure another neighbor cat into my home though. She stayed a bit, ate my food, got petted and went her cute, fluffy way!
I'm doing great over here. Have a sweet job, nice pay, working from home office, 99% of the time. I bought a new car in November, just before the Corona dumbfuckery hit... Guess how many kilometers I have in it so far? Around 1500. Lol. Waste of money. It was expensive too. A Toyota Corolla 2019 Hybrid.
Anime suxx nowadays. Waiting for anime salvation. Which means a new season for Natsume Yuujinchou. You need to watch it. It has cats!
I was trying to eat pizza in my dream, but for some reason I couldn't. I think I was overwhelmed by too many toppings, and couldn't decide which one to pick.
I think they are sphinx cats, yeah. I really adore kittehs. I have to restrain myself hard from petting them every time I find one sitting on the sidewalk or something. But... cats are supposed to be furry little cuteballs, not those naked things :(
They are still cute, I suppose, but I pity them more than I adore them, aww. I prefer the standard issue cats over the rest.
I'm not into body modifications of any type. Women are the most beautiful without metal and mascara. And clothes, with messy hair, after hours of lovemaking.
It's a new day here - 0:05 AM. I'm currently recuperating from shock caused by the revelation that a friend's cats are naked. We've been playing together for months virtually every tuesday, and sometimes the kittehs would say something into her microphone, and this whole time I thought they had hair, but no. :( I feel cheated.
All Comments (92) Comments
Sorry to hear about your loved ones.
I too lost a grandmother.
I believe in petting neighbor cats instead of having them live with me.
Have you seen Jurassic Park? Do you recall the scene with the t-rex and the chained goat. Yeah. The thrill of the hunt.
In fact I was just trying to pet a cat near to my flat as I drove home from the bakery. Mission not successful. The other day I could lure another neighbor cat into my home though. She stayed a bit, ate my food, got petted and went her cute, fluffy way!
I'm doing great over here. Have a sweet job, nice pay, working from home office, 99% of the time. I bought a new car in November, just before the Corona dumbfuckery hit... Guess how many kilometers I have in it so far? Around 1500. Lol. Waste of money. It was expensive too. A Toyota Corolla 2019 Hybrid.
Anime suxx nowadays. Waiting for anime salvation. Which means a new season for Natsume Yuujinchou. You need to watch it. It has cats!
and i love texas <3
Furbaby? you have a cat? :D how cuteeeee :] what kind?
Hairless cats are kinda strange. But the biggest problem with them is that they often have all sorts of diseases due to inbreeding.
Bibi sounds like an evil warlock, but the kitteh looks like some asian wise-man. Cute! I don't have a cat, so I get by petting strays ;_;
They are still cute, I suppose, but I pity them more than I adore them, aww. I prefer the standard issue cats over the rest.
I'm not into body modifications of any type. Women are the most beautiful without metal and mascara. And clothes, with messy hair, after hours of lovemaking.