I feel that. It's really hard to pick when you're experiencing something fun and new.
Ah ok. So you've been there for over half a year now. Glad you've been liking it. I definitely try to look for cheaper tickets when I can. Especially trying to book flights out of the busier seasons. If you have any tips for that I would love to know.
Those are great places to want to visit! I'm definitely a fan of the scenic stuff in countries too. I definitely want to climb Mt. Fuji if I ever visit Japan.
Been busy these past couple weeks re-flooring my place. Trying to get back into watching some anime in any down time I've had. Started watching March Comes in Like a Lion and its been pretty good so far.
I feel that for sure. It's not easy out there for a student on their own. Yeah I can imagine how difficult it is when not fluent in Japanese either. I've tried learning Japanese before and it is a tough language to learn so big props to you for knowing what you do.
I'm so happy you've made great memories this past summer. Must have been exciting seeing your Japanese family again. Anything you did during the summer that was particularly memorable?
I'm so glad you go to achieve that goal! Looks like its never too late to achieve what you want to. So you loved there during the summer with family then alone now for Uni? Very exciting times for you and I'm really happy you're experiencing it. I've always wanted to visit Japan and almost did earlier this year. Maybe next year I might.
I'm sure Texas misses you too! Do you have plans of visiting here again anytime soon? The biggest thing on my Belgium Itinerary is visiting the Ardennes. Should be colder there so I'll need to bring warm clothing but I've always wanted to visit that forest and it should be really big and exciting. Where in Europe would you want to visit btw?
Thank you! Same for you too. If theres anything you think I would like then definitely let me know. I'll go through my lists to see what you might like.
Oh wow thats a big update! Hows living in Japan been? That's cool that you'll be coming back for a semester. Is the study abroad program going to be a continuation from what you are currently studying or is it going to be its own thing?
I definitely agree with taking advantage of traveling while you can. That's what I've been trying to do recently. Thats so cool that you lived in Texas. I'm still living there myself actually. What made you decide to go to University in Japan?
I'm planning on going to Belgium in about a month. I'm taking advantage the time I have to travel myself and just seeing a new country I haven't been to before. I have friends there as well so I'll get to visit them too.
I definitely agree. Season 2 was amazing with the fight scenes but the fights in the Culling Games will be even better I feel. Especially like the Hakari vs Kashimo fight. That one I'm really looking forward to see.
Oh nice! I've had friends who've either seen or read the VN and they've said good things about it. I might check it out since I don't mind if it's a bit darker. Not sure if I would watch or play the VN or maybe even both lol. I haven't played many VNs though. I'm glad you're enjoying Higurash!
I'm glad you liked Houseki no Kuni! It's one of my favorites as well. i hope they end up adapting the rest of the story now that its finished. I think the CGI in it worked well with how the characters are drawn.
I've been pretty good, thank you! Had a lot of life changes recently both good and bad but more good definitely. Just been planning some vacations and other stuff for later this year.
I'm really excited for the Culling Games arc to be animated as well. It should be amazing based on how they did the Shibuya incident. i think the anime is gonna be great for this story just because how of many cool fights there are. I think a couple of my favorites are in the Culling Games arc so I'm looking forward to those.
Oh nice! I'm glad you did add me back. How did you like my recommendations btw?
I'm glad you've been doing well mentally. What are you studying if I may ask? I love how Fall feels. Its my favorite season.
Wasn't the biggest fan of the ending overall. Felt like it ended very abruptly and could have gone into more details with some things. What did you think about it?
All Comments (23) Comments
Ah ok. So you've been there for over half a year now. Glad you've been liking it. I definitely try to look for cheaper tickets when I can. Especially trying to book flights out of the busier seasons. If you have any tips for that I would love to know.
Those are great places to want to visit! I'm definitely a fan of the scenic stuff in countries too. I definitely want to climb Mt. Fuji if I ever visit Japan.
Been busy these past couple weeks re-flooring my place. Trying to get back into watching some anime in any down time I've had. Started watching March Comes in Like a Lion and its been pretty good so far.
I'm so happy you've made great memories this past summer. Must have been exciting seeing your Japanese family again. Anything you did during the summer that was particularly memorable?
I'm so glad you go to achieve that goal! Looks like its never too late to achieve what you want to. So you loved there during the summer with family then alone now for Uni? Very exciting times for you and I'm really happy you're experiencing it. I've always wanted to visit Japan and almost did earlier this year. Maybe next year I might.
I'm sure Texas misses you too! Do you have plans of visiting here again anytime soon? The biggest thing on my Belgium Itinerary is visiting the Ardennes. Should be colder there so I'll need to bring warm clothing but I've always wanted to visit that forest and it should be really big and exciting. Where in Europe would you want to visit btw?
Thank you! Same for you too. If theres anything you think I would like then definitely let me know. I'll go through my lists to see what you might like.
I definitely agree with taking advantage of traveling while you can. That's what I've been trying to do recently. Thats so cool that you lived in Texas. I'm still living there myself actually. What made you decide to go to University in Japan?
I'm planning on going to Belgium in about a month. I'm taking advantage the time I have to travel myself and just seeing a new country I haven't been to before. I have friends there as well so I'll get to visit them too.
I definitely agree. Season 2 was amazing with the fight scenes but the fights in the Culling Games will be even better I feel. Especially like the Hakari vs Kashimo fight. That one I'm really looking forward to see.
Oh nice! I've had friends who've either seen or read the VN and they've said good things about it. I might check it out since I don't mind if it's a bit darker. Not sure if I would watch or play the VN or maybe even both lol. I haven't played many VNs though. I'm glad you're enjoying Higurash!
I've been pretty good, thank you! Had a lot of life changes recently both good and bad but more good definitely. Just been planning some vacations and other stuff for later this year.
I'm really excited for the Culling Games arc to be animated as well. It should be amazing based on how they did the Shibuya incident. i think the anime is gonna be great for this story just because how of many cool fights there are. I think a couple of my favorites are in the Culling Games arc so I'm looking forward to those.
Anything you've been reading or watching lately?
I'm glad you've been doing well mentally. What are you studying if I may ask? I love how Fall feels. Its my favorite season.
Wasn't the biggest fan of the ending overall. Felt like it ended very abruptly and could have gone into more details with some things. What did you think about it?