Hey! =^^=
I'm an italian-american anime & manga fan! Feel free to take a look at my list, but I warn you, I don't update it often: my real account is mangalife100 on anime-planet.com (if you're interested in what I watch for some reason, check that). That being said, my goal is to watch years worth of anime!! :D
But really, all you need to know about me is that I try to be a follower of the Shizuo way.
That being said, I'm currently working on my manga list, so that's not completed yet: I'll update it soon enough though!
Anyhoo, I was up half the night looking for gifs to use as my signature, so I thought "The heck with it, I'll just post them all on my profile".
So get ready for your index to grow numb for scrolling down with your mouse and to get a seizure from seeing too many gifs. Here are some of them ('cause there are plenty more to come):
And of course, my all-time favorite:
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