I'm pretty good. Not feeling super well. I probably got a cold from coming back to school, all the germs and everything. How are you? Did you have a good birthday?
Heey yooo!!! Well, my love life simple ended today, its like closed for indefined time. My affair decided "he's not in a good moment of his life" and, well, i think the "romantic" part was just a complement, since what matters to me is his caring, and i think we can have the friendship we had before we started dating, or at least i'll try to. Well, i dont think i have any more news... Life on university is complicated, and tests maybe coming soon, or not, and i live without internet all week, and on weekend i dont have energy to use it =p Well, i think thats it. I loooove you too, and miss our talks... We need to talk more times, right? =D Kisses
Now it's my time to say it's been such a LOOONG time ^^ How have you been??? I miss you very much! Life is one crazy thing now. University and house-without-internet-in-other-city kept my away from MAL for a very long time. Now I'll try to recover it ^^
Anyway, my heart has been turned upside down since our last talk. I got real close from a boy, we were close friends in a second, and suddenly he tried to start date with me. I got really confused, but in the end I forgot the other boy (now, he's my neighdoor and my friend ^^ I like him very much, but just as a friend), I started to like him, we started dating, and he hurted my like hell this thursday.Maybe I confused things and he tricked me. We're both to blame, and he's a bastard. But what can I do if I like him? (As a friend and as something else.) Anyway, I'm ok now, but I suffered very much, and I don't know what future reserves for us. Let's see what happens.
So, I hope your crush is on better moviment then mine. What's the news? (all the news I deserve to know, especially the romantic ones)
Yay, nice to talk to you again. Kisses, my cute friend.
Hmm.. My summer is almost finished T-T. Well, fall really starts later then it should, so I think I'll have more summer time, but still... In Uni, it's really hot. Hot like hell. And it'll be cold like fronzen hell in winter. OMG, I'm so going to die... (I fell less hot and more cold then normal people usually do...). I'm so going to miss the water, and the hotness.. Maybe the hot guys, but I think I'm falling in love with my uni almost-friend. He's not very handsome at first, but he's so cute, so nice that I started thinking of him as handsome ^^
Anyways, I would like to understand this teaching system... Please, will you try to explain it to me? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeasee??
Well, after all the study, if I have time to have fun, I will! hehhhe have fun in the work!
Oh baby, is your better already? Is your cold gone?
Well, sun is shining here too. I mean, after a month of rain non-stop, this was one week without rain. But I know the sun shining again there is much more meaningfull (?). Spring is comming right? Well, not good for me, though. I suffer so much in winter, and winter is comming. Snif... Btw, you sounded like you love summer. I do love summer too!!!
Aren't you in uni too? And yes, so far it's very magic, and chill. But the classes haven't started yet. Hope it continues chill and magic and pleasant, and all those nice stuff.
All Comments (115) Comments
Basics can be nice, but sometimes not. You can feel like the classes your a talking aren't even going to go towards your job in the future though.
Yea, that would probably be bad. I don't party though, so I really wouldn't know.
Anyway, my heart has been turned upside down since our last talk. I got real close from a boy, we were close friends in a second, and suddenly he tried to start date with me. I got really confused, but in the end I forgot the other boy (now, he's my neighdoor and my friend ^^ I like him very much, but just as a friend), I started to like him, we started dating, and he hurted my like hell this thursday.Maybe I confused things and he tricked me. We're both to blame, and he's a bastard. But what can I do if I like him? (As a friend and as something else.) Anyway, I'm ok now, but I suffered very much, and I don't know what future reserves for us. Let's see what happens.
So, I hope your crush is on better moviment then mine. What's the news? (all the news I deserve to know, especially the romantic ones)
Yay, nice to talk to you again. Kisses, my cute friend.
Anyways, I would like to understand this teaching system... Please, will you try to explain it to me? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeasee??
Well, after all the study, if I have time to have fun, I will! hehhhe have fun in the work!
hugs, kisses, handshakings and... ahnn smiles (uhh don't know more compliments >.<)
Well, sun is shining here too. I mean, after a month of rain non-stop, this was one week without rain. But I know the sun shining again there is much more meaningfull (?). Spring is comming right? Well, not good for me, though. I suffer so much in winter, and winter is comming. Snif... Btw, you sounded like you love summer. I do love summer too!!!
Aren't you in uni too? And yes, so far it's very magic, and chill. But the classes haven't started yet. Hope it continues chill and magic and pleasant, and all those nice stuff.
Kisses, hugs and hand shakings (^3^)