Quick breakdown of how I rate shows:
10/10: The best shows out there, shows with that have either captivating and enthralling stories that push them into "Grand epic that probably should be broken down and studied in a classroom", or a show with some other trait that puts it in a class above all other shows in it's genre
9/10: Shows with either captivating stories, amazing comedy, or a mixture of all that I find me either yearning for more, or happily content at a series well concluded.
8/10: Shows that I enjoyed that had some defining feature that helped it to stand out from the crowd, shows with this rating are ones that, although stand out can still be lost in a see of other shows in this genre, but are enjoyable still.
7/10: Shows that, whilst enjoyable and well executed in its own merits, either are a little bit too generic to really stand out, or falter slightly in its execution.
6/10: Show that showed promise, and maybe had a strong start, but either faltered in its storytelling, or failed to make the most of the resources at hand, while I might've enjoyed the series, it's a show that has left me unimpressed with it.
>5/10: Shows that have either failed in most of its core premises, had a truly horrible story, or any other number of pitfalls that added it up to being a bad or less than expected series.
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