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Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai.
Jul 24, 2011 6:53 PM
· Scored
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 13.6
Mean Score:
- Total Entries95
- Reread4
- Chapters1,773
- Volumes212
All Comments (86) Comments
Ohayo! It's been so long, far too long since we orginsed something... Our club died, but we're not going to give up! Right? That's why all of our admins worked hard to bring our club to life again! And here we are again! Coimg back in great style! XDDD But to keep club active we need your help! Please help us, by visiting and taking part in our activities! :3
What's new? Everything! 8D
At the begining please, read these topics carefully:
Gol Admin/ Member
Rules and FAQ
Questions about the rules
Now, there're alot of games and contests you can participate in and gain lots of white coins!
Questions and Answers
True or False?
White Quiz
Guess Who?
Club's Layout Contest
Club's Main Pic Contest
How you can spend your white coins?
White Coins Shop
But before buying anything, please check your
Account Amount
We also re-opened claiming thread! Read all the rules carefully, cuz they've vhanged!
If you want to help us, please do cuz we really need it! :3
Admins/ Officers Recruit
Also don't forget about all threads like:
Credit Cards
Official Member Cards
Members Birthdays
Characters to add
White Haired boys birthdays
Wednesday Special Editions Nominations
There will be even more attractions! Just wait and see and you won't be dissapointed! XD
there is now a club for miura haruma fans. check it out here, its newly made!!!
Hurry and get the 400+ limited cards. I simply can't believe we made it to 400. What's next 500? Tell your friends because I am human and the word will spread slowly if I am the only one spreading it. :P
Currently I am posting this to every one of my club members wall, but I also have things to do during the day, so this mass message might take more than a day to complete. Thank you for supporting me this far. What should we do to make the club more active? Any ideas? If you do you are definitely welcome to comment on my page! ^^
CLICK here to request for a LE card NOW! ^^
é isso ai man q
eu não te chamei de mrds, eu so falei merda '-'
Acho que não é difícil, se ele é mulherengo como é difícil ? o.o' Anyway eu adoraria vê-lo com alguma mulher! ò___ó Na vdd não vejo a hora de ver o fim õ/ e se vc notou, esse mangá é bem clichê mas é divertido ler as vezes.To comprando XXXHolic,D.gray-man e Otomen só :3' Se o mundo fosse igual a um anime.. jesus *-* se fosse igual a joga de RPG n haveria mais pobreza xD Imagina, mata 50 bixos e ganha dinheiro pra tv. Jesus, vc n eh a unica tenho preguiça pacas de ver animes.
Mas pra mim nem é tão útil, porque eu nem escrevo muita fic sabe, eu sou meio sem imaginação '-'
não, a gabih não deixa, mais eu vi ela escrevendo ai eu li um pouco '-'
verdade, você nunca precisar entender o que um sedução dis para saber que ele é um sedução (?)
Waaah ficam lindinias <3
deixa ela sonhar um pouco. QQ
quem sabe um dia ela cai na real e percebe que ela so fala merds n