Happy New Years everyone! I hope you had a great year! If not oh well I don't care. Anyway, as you can see, this newsletter is from Chibis!! I'm trying to make this club active again. I've started by giving the club a new look, and I'm editing all the threads to make them look nicer. The first semester of school is always the busiest, so I'm going to make time so I can help my club. I hope you guys can help this club become active again too! That will be much appreciated (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑
Enough of that, now onto more important matters. Most of our staff is busy and yeah yeah yeah we need your help, blah blah blah ╮(─▽─)╭. I'm sure you heard this a million times from other clubs, but seriously, only like four of us is active. You can sign up hereif you are interested. No pressure. For some quick access to some of the staff links, here are some: Staff Chat Card Information Delivery Thread Staff Badges Since this club is one of those generic card clubs, then obviously, there are some (well, actually only one edition is open) editions open! Right now theHappy New Years 2015 holiday editionis open. There will be more editions to come, so keep your eyes open! (╯⊙ ⊱⊙╰ ) If you want to suggest some ideas for card editions (or some other things like events) then you can speak uphere. Speaking of events, I am going to experiment on some things ヾ(。・ω・)シ. I'm thinking of creating something like money and you have to buy things, with some special events, or like a festival of some sort. I'm also going to reopen the Chibi of the Month thread. I'm going to create a birthday thread too.
Thank you for reading. I know this newsletter is pretty long, but the spoiler button was not cooperating with me. I ask for your understanding ≦(._.)≧. To get the monthly newsletter, sign uphere.
Hey Everybody, very serious message from le Creator of RACE
Please read carefully
As I'm sure some of you have noticed, RACE hasn't been very active lately
Part of that is my fault, I haven't been able to give it my full attention while being busy with moving and work in real life
However I think a big part of it is the fact that so few members visit the club
I mean we have nearly 2000 members.... maybe 20 active? total?
For a long time i was thinking about shutting down race and starting a new club with some new ideas I have
taking all the things i learned from RACE and moving on
MAL has changed since I first joined, most of my original friends are super busy and rarely around
But RACE and mal are still important to me so I have a different plan
A few people helped me come up with the idea so this is what's going to happen.
We're purging RACE.
You won't be able to access it. We're going to close it for a few days
Everyone in the members list will be removed
All the threads deleted (almost)
Everything will be started over. We will start over with a smaller club and staff
I have a lot of cool ideas for what is going to happen.
For those of you that are wondering about the sports festival
It wasn't as active as we'd hoped so we closed it.
The sports fest was my way of seeing if race can still be active and it failed
So now we're purging.
When we open back up there will be a new and improved Sports Festival!
It will be the Grand Re-Opening of RACE
please come back if you still love race like i do and want to be active
This isnt meant to punish the people that are around, or even the ones that arent
This is my decision
I need a reason to get excited and motivated again and I think this is the best thing for RACE We will be Re-Opening on August 1st
Thanks for everything you guys!
See you in a few days!
Konoe's Card Shop
Rainbow ME Thread | Cards There were some issues with this edition. Some names were hard to see with your color choices, especially if you picked #2. There wasn't much I could do about it but try to drop shadow it. Sorry if it looks like total crap :c
[size=80]Having trouble finding yours? Hit Ctrl + F!
If there seems to be any problems, shoot me a message because there's bound to be order issues or something else. I AM SO SO SO SORRY THAT THIS TOOK ALMOST A YEAR FOR ME TO COMPLETE!! Truth is, school is a pain in the ass especially with all the tough classes I'm taking plus college visits, SAT studying, and just so much else. It was just too much, and I never had the time to do these cards. But the year's almost over, so I can finally get back to work. I really miss this job and want to keep it up. So thanks for hanging in there with this, and feel free to friend me or chat with me. I'm open to it ^^
Hope you enjoy them! Thanks again for requesting! :)
All Comments (1795) Comments
I hope you plan on watching it, since you seem like a fellow Itachi fan^^ Seems pretty cool.
Have a nice day.
(Sorry, I'm just excited and like informing people now. lol)
Happy New Years everyone! I hope you had a great year! If not oh well I don't care. Anyway, as you can see, this newsletter is from Chibis!! I'm trying to make this club active again. I've started by giving the club a new look, and I'm editing all the threads to make them look nicer. The first semester of school is always the busiest, so I'm going to make time so I can help my club. I hope you guys can help this club become active again too! That will be much appreciated (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑
Enough of that, now onto more important matters. Most of our staff is busy and yeah yeah yeah we need your help, blah blah blah ╮(─▽─)╭. I'm sure you heard this a million times from other clubs, but seriously, only like four of us is active. You can sign up here if you are interested. No pressure. For some quick access to some of the staff links, here are some:
Staff Chat
Card Information
Delivery Thread
Staff Badges
Since this club is one of those generic card clubs, then obviously, there are some (well, actually only one edition is open) editions open! Right now the Happy New Years 2015 holiday edition is open. There will be more editions to come, so keep your eyes open! (╯⊙ ⊱⊙╰ ) If you want to suggest some ideas for card editions (or some other things like events) then you can speak up here.
Speaking of events, I am going to experiment on some things ヾ(。・ω・)シ. I'm thinking of creating something like money and you have to buy things, with some special events, or like a festival of some sort. I'm also going to reopen the Chibi of the Month thread. I'm going to create a birthday thread too.
Thank you for reading. I know this newsletter is pretty long, but the spoiler button was not cooperating with me. I ask for your understanding ≦(._.)≧. To get the monthly newsletter, sign up here.
Merry Christmas, have a good one!
Hey Everybody, very serious message from le Creator of RACE
Please read carefully
August 2014 VERY LATE Delivery D:
Konoe's Card Shop
Rainbow ME
Thread | Cards
There were some issues with this edition. Some names were hard to see with your color choices, especially if you picked #2. There wasn't much I could do about it but try to drop shadow it. Sorry if it looks like total crap :c
Rain RE
Thread | Cards
Ayano's Card Studio
Grand Opening LE
Thread | Cards
Tokyo Ghoul LE
Thread | Cards
[size=80]Having trouble finding yours? Hit Ctrl + F!
If there seems to be any problems, shoot me a message because there's bound to be order issues or something else.
I AM SO SO SO SORRY THAT THIS TOOK ALMOST A YEAR FOR ME TO COMPLETE!! Truth is, school is a pain in the ass especially with all the tough classes I'm taking plus college visits, SAT studying, and just so much else. It was just too much, and I never had the time to do these cards. But the year's almost over, so I can finally get back to work. I really miss this job and want to keep it up. So thanks for hanging in there with this, and feel free to friend me or chat with me. I'm open to it ^^
Hope you enjoy them! Thanks again for requesting! :)