All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 95.1
Mean Score:
- Watching11
- Completed382
- On-Hold55
- Dropped112
- Plan to Watch133
- Total Entries693
- Rewatched36
- Episodes5,359
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 32.5
Mean Score:
- Total Entries226
- Reread14
- Chapters1,784
- Volumes464
All Comments (99) Comments
I also found out that Yuko and Kotono did some voice work for Hyper Police.
Merry Christmas to you, too!
So what were you referring to by Ninja Scroll: Resurrection? I be confoosed :D
If you're talking about Resurrection, that is NOT Ninja Scroll. I am warning you about that. A lot of people think it's Ninja Scroll because both guys are named Jubei.
But one is Kibagami Jubei from Ninja Scroll. And the other is the historical figure Yagyu Jubei. I got fooled into buying Ninja Resurrection because someone said it was a second movie. But after a few minutes, I realised that they don't even have the same name!! TwT
I do think that further Ninja Scroll stuff is in the works. But that's just rumour.
I see that you've added Toward the Terra, which is weird because I added it myself earlier today (or yesterday, seeing as it's tomorrow for you...argh). Most recent anime I couldn't give a toss about, but that sounds really promising.
What did you think of Highlander? I wanted to love because it's Kawajiri and, like all his anime, it looks so damn sexy that I want to gently caress my telly, but the script is a load of balls. And the pacing is off as well, no doubt at least partly due to the excised scenes. Need Directors Cut.
I'm hoping it's good. I have a liking for cyberpunk and the concept is interesting, but sometimes Production IG shows can be very slow and talky. Hopefully this one won't!
I deem an anime good or bad based off a series of points.
There's a must-be-good section that I rate:
-animation (out of 2 points)
-art (2 points)
-characters (2 points)
-story (2 points)
-plot (1 point)
-sound (1 point)
Then I use bonuses such as:
-originality (bonus 1 point)
-entertainment (1 point)
So far, I have never really encountered an anime that got a total of ten points from the "must-be-good" section. A lot of them rely on whether or not they meet the bonus section criteria or not.