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Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen
Jul 4, 2021 3:53 PM
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my favourite animals are probably dogs. i have two dogs :)
thank you!! maybe i'll pick drawing back up one day..
maplestory! my friend plays a lot of that! he actually hit level 275 about two weeks ago and had a party thrown for him on the server :OO
i haven't watched hotarubi no mori e, but i've heard good things about it!
i personally didn't like koe no katachi that much though.
aside from the bunny girl senpai movie, i really liked tenki no ko. tbh, i liked it better than your name.
I super enjoyed it. I did watch it in a cinema though. The blu-ray isn't out though.
i've tried to draw anime characters, but they just end up looking stupid. it's kind of embarrassing, because i used to take art class until i was in 6th grade xD
that sucks :(
do you use a laptop?
that's fair. do you have a favourite anime movie?
Indeed, if I have a conversation with someone, I try my best not to forget them. We are all anime fans after all and there not many of us xD
Hanazeve Caradhina is an amazing song. Yes, I have already watched it, back in January in fact.
what kind of stuff do you draw?
i see. i played gta 5 with my friends for a bit, but we got bored of it after about a week.
i play a lot of PC games, but mostly just League of Legends and Valorant. i'll occasionally play other games like Minecraft though :p
hmm.. it's okay i guess. the story is kind of bad, but i'm watching it because i like the main girl XD so i guess it's kind of a guilty pleasure.
i see you watched Weathering with You! how did you like it?
don't worry about it! that happens to me a lot too :D
Don't worry, I remember you. There usually people who reply to me after even six or more months.....shit happens I guess.
I see, the Made in Abyss soundtrack is great? Nice, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Your very welcome of course ^_^
yeah, it's honestly so bad that it's funny lmao
oo i've always wanted to learn how to draw but i suck xD
what kind of games do you play?
i also play video games a lot :))
ok, sounds good :D
LOL yeah, Domestic Girlfriend was pretty bad. the anime itself was bad, but i really liked the opening by Minami :)
i usually drop anime that i hate, but the one that i did end up finishing was Eromanga-sensei. it was just so bad that it was funny, so i kept watching it lmao
aside from anime, what hobbies do you have?
what do you think?
when i watched it last, i didn't actually end up watching all of the seasons. this time, i plan to watch them all.. but i'm rewatching Bakemonogatari to make sure i didn't forget anything important.
ohh yeah that makes sense. what's your least favourite anime?
for me, i drop animes when the plot is really bad or makes no sense, or if i feel it's just a waste of time. i'm kind of picky XD
i'm actually rewatching Bakemonogatari right now! you made me want to watch it again lmao
what animes have you rewatched?
when i watch it, i'll let you know what i think! :D
yeah, i'm the same tbh. what makes you drop anime?
no problem! glad it helped :D
okay, i'll look forward to it :)
i saw you started Bakemonogatari! i hope you like it, i thought it was really good. the interactions between the two main characters reminded me a lot of Sakuta and Mai.
i see. i still need to watch Noragami. i'm so behind on a lot of popular animes T_T
i think i started around April of 2018. my first anime was My Hero Academia! after that, i watched all of Naruto XD
hmm.. it's not exactly "ecchi", but there are definitely fan-service moments that are added as comedic relief i suppose. overall, it's an okay show, but there are definitely better shows out there to watch, imo. but there's nothing wrong with watching 2-3 episodes to see if you like it or not!
do you dislike any anime genres?
yeah :( the only thing i liked about Mob was its animation.
btw, you can see all of the upcoming airing animes here:
my favourite character so far is probably Mikasa. i really like her personality and how she's so devoted to her friends/family. i also think it's really sweet how she always wears the scarf Eren gave her.
ohh when did you start watching anime? what was your first anime?
yeah, that's airing next season! you can look at all of the seasonals here:
yeah, hopefully :)
i'm probably gonna rewatch it before i watch the movie.