Definitely! Junjou Romantica is one of the best of its genre. It's not as hardcore as some of the other one's you've watched but it is definitely worth the watch. It has great quality and really cute guys :) Definite must!
Romance drama is the best =D But I don't mind some comedy to lighten it a bit up. For example, NANA really depressed me, so that's why it is currently on my on-hold list. Btw, I haven't seen Pucca before but I am well acquainted with her. She's on heaps of stationery and other stuff =P I never knew that it was so funny!
Yeah, back then, in the late 90s', it was all about shows like Dragonball Z, Pokemon, Sailor Moon, and then some more. It was also the days when CN actually showed good shows, and Toonami was awesome for its day, and somewhere around there, couple years later, 2001, Adult Swim was just about to (or has) begun. Those shows started me off, but I didn't know they were animes, or even knew the word "anime" existed, till years later XD
Haha, those days seem to be getting farther and farther back, and this decade's about to end, and then 2010 D: There was a lot of good stuff in the 2000s, anime-wise, eh? Soon, that's gonna be in the history books, like the 80s and the 90s XD Makes you wonder what could possibly be next :P
Yes, awesome meeting you! Also, I do take all friend requests, as mentioned in my profile, so don't be shy about sending a friend request! (^_^)
Haha, that's cool to hear, August 31st was the beginning of modern history for me, getting out of the dark ages, realizing the world around me, all that good stuff :P Yeah, August 31st was a great, historic day for me since 2002 :P Yup, back when shows like Inuyasha was the shiznite, plus I first started to know what the word "anime" meant, and it all went from there to what I am now. :-D August 31st, and Inuyasha, were life-changing events for me XD
Also, nice to meet ya, Rosiel-sama! ^^ I believe that this is the 1st time we've met, no?
Well, my school exams are just about finished and I'm just lazing around not doing much. XD I'm such a couch potato. But I'm gonna be a good girl and do more maths XD How about you?
Well.. I played almost all KH games too, but don't know about the manga so i guess you could tell me anything i.e. the charas, some story and other so on :P
But still, you know Cloud & Sephiroth even if only through the film u.u
About the anime->manga i don't really prefer one of them the most. Maybe i prefer to view some action scenes animated, but you can take a manga almost everywhere and there're some stories taht are best read than viewed IMO ^.^
(About KH series, if you had the chance to read it or know something about, could you tell me more?)
All Comments (29) Comments
How're ya doing now that summer's up?
Haha, those days seem to be getting farther and farther back, and this decade's about to end, and then 2010 D: There was a lot of good stuff in the 2000s, anime-wise, eh? Soon, that's gonna be in the history books, like the 80s and the 90s XD Makes you wonder what could possibly be next :P
Yes, awesome meeting you! Also, I do take all friend requests, as mentioned in my profile, so don't be shy about sending a friend request! (^_^)
Also, nice to meet ya, Rosiel-sama! ^^ I believe that this is the 1st time we've met, no?
About the anime->manga i don't really prefer one of them the most. Maybe i prefer to view some action scenes animated, but you can take a manga almost everywhere and there're some stories taht are best read than viewed IMO ^.^
(About KH series, if you had the chance to read it or know something about, could you tell me more?)