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Kisaki Kyouiku kara Nigetai Watashi
Kisaki Kyouiku kara Nigetai Watashi
Mar 7, 7:01 PM
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Raise wa Tanin ga Ii
Raise wa Tanin ga Ii
Jan 17, 10:29 PM
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Kaijuu 8-gou Movie
Kaijuu 8-gou Movie
Jan 2, 8:08 AM
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YvyAckerman Jul 11, 2016 9:23 PM
yes & no... Im still on summer break but I recently started working with my dad, as a summer job...thats the main reason I havent been much lately >.<..... I still have a month of school vacations though ^^

haha I will take your advice regarding Tanaka-kun.... hahah is he really that laaazy??? hhaha I cant imagine...

have SNB been subbed already?????... if so please tell me if you believe there could be a possibility for a 2nd season!..I finished reading the chapter of Yunan vs Arba/Hakuei... I need to read the others..... but its been really good!!! I love Magi, its so smart and deep!... and watching them as adults >.< (except Alibaba lol).... I got mixed feelings, dunno, like a melancholic feeling.... but they look really good! Morgiana, Aladdin and Hakuryuu look so OP!!!! I also cried in Alma Torran's arc!!! and I loved the author dedicated a whole arc for us to understand the history behind Magi!.... btw who is your favorite character/s?!

Also Sinbad as the villain o_________o nice interesting twist!!!!!!!

Yes!!! Natsume is slowly managing to live both worlds .... ahhh I agree with everything you said!!!<3333

I will watch Fukigen na Mononokean weekly...yes... I cant for it to be completed >.<... you will like it!!!! its like NY but with more comedy and I feel like it will be more focused on the bromance of the 2 MCs ^^....aahhh I want to watch Hotarubi no Mori e... I will soon...specially if its from Natsume Yuujinchou's mangaka....

One Outs is a baseball anime where the MC is a little genius, pretty much like Light/Lelouch...he is VERY clever and tends to notice things others cant, he out smarts everyone and he never looses... I do recommend it, its from madhouse!, and the screenplay is quite good, my only complain is that is a bit slow paced... its hard to binge watch haha but sure is worth the watch!

YvyAckerman Jul 3, 2016 8:43 PM
hahah no worries!!! I was away for some time too >.<

I will put Shounen Maid in my PTW, how is Tanaka-kun??? the fact that he is lazy got me curious x) I think I will relate to him a lot lol!!!! I finished Sinbad no Bouken <3 (spanish subs came earlier than english ones lol) and ahh I loved it!!! regarding your question yes :D :D I read both main Magi and Sinbad no Bouken, I love that story very much >.< it is actually my favorite shounen... do you read it too??

haha nooooooo I havent started S2... Im watching One Outs and as soon as I finish it I will start sports anime at the time....Im sure it was a joy I still dont understand why Im procrastinating it so much I seriously loved S1 haha...

Im on the 4th season!!!!!!!! And seriously its becoming one of my favorite anime >.< so beautiful and relaxing, I cant have enough of Natsume and Nyanko-sensei <3... I am so happy about the 5th season, I would be incredibly sad right now if it wasnt for that >.< btw there is a new anime called Fukigen no Mononokean.... you should check it out :D first episode came out and it reminded me of NY so much although it has more of a comedic touch than NY.... still worth it ....Natsume gave me a youkai obsession lol >.<
YvyAckerman Jun 20, 2016 3:28 PM
How is shounen maid??? a friend recommended it to me but I was already watching so many >.<
haha and yes!!! Im actually very hyped for Haikyuu S3..even if i havent seen S2 XD

Ah Hiragi is lovely too :')... haha dont worry i get what you mean XD... Im on S3 now... and damn... I just saw episode 4 where they show a little bit of Natsume's past when he was bullied and a youkai on a tree was teasing him.... when he cried it broke me :'( :'( poor baby... seriously the more I watch the anime, the more I fall for Natsume... >_< its admirable how kind he is with youkai and humans after everything he has been through >_<
YvyAckerman Jun 14, 2016 10:10 AM
hahaha.... well... a lot x_x..... but if I have to mention my must watch for summer: FMAB, D Gray Man, Hunter x Hunter, KMM <3, Akatsuki no Yona.... but tbh I know I wont be able to finish all of them... as you said... long run anime sure take a lot of conviction hahaha.... so I really don't know which ones Im gonna finish :'(.... and well every other random short anime that gets my interest... ohhh which spring anime are you watching????? :D...... oh I have to finish Haikyuu 2nd season, Kurobas 3rd season too!!!!! what do you think about them?

haha thanks^^ don't worry the others are in youtube and SUBBED!!!! hahaha... I listened to 2 of them, but yeah Rururu takes the crown!!!

I watched the OVA too!!! and nope o______o just nope, I thought I was listening to a different character... LOL... Junjun is Koro-sensei ahaha... it feels like they released the ova for us to understand the wonderful job of the new seiyuus haha <3

hahahahaha AAAHHHHH I know right??? that "neraiuchi" is just so Miyuki <33333 hahaha " so cocky and confident" you got that right <3 hahaha

My favorite youkai is probably the cute little fox youkai ^_^ he was so adorable, but Ive really liked a lot of youkai and their stories, but yes probably he is my favorite... wbu?

yes o___o a lot of seiyuus are single... and also I think Japanese culture has something to do with it as well, from what I know most of them remain single nowadays or get married old and dont have children x_x... which is quite sad. And yep 7 roles o_o Sakupyon is very very busy... I hope so too... he is not young anymore >_____< (LOL!!!!).... and yes I plan to watch those summer animes too as well.... but depending on how good/bad they are I plan to sacrifice some haha... I cant watch more than 8 anime per season.... I may left some for when they are finished haha...
YvyAckerman Jun 13, 2016 2:24 PM
hahahaha LOL the serious tone made me laugh so much XD.... I will my friend, do not worry (lol)

oh thanks!!! I already found it actually thats how I understood everything X'D I was listening while simultaneously reading it... helped me a lot o_o awww LOL yes I wanted to hug Lulu so badly when he was desperately using his geass... so adorable^^ and yeahhhh that kiss will remain in my memory forever hahaha... poor Rolo hahahah yesss its total GOLD!!! I already listen to it twice <3 what an ear's blessing <333 thanks again >.<

ohhh yesss I believe Koro's performance is one of the best of his career <3 a veteran and he still brings refreshing performances <33333 ahhhh I need to finish Working!... I started it a while ago and stopped right through because of school but never got back to it >_<

Ahhh I hope so!!!! but yeah it will probably take a year or two for the announcement... we need to be patient haha... yes Miyuki's seidou roar was freaking EPIC!...btw here is a link to a wonderful video of Miyuki's best laughs->>>
I love it haha in case you haven't seen it^^ I just love Sakurai's adorkable laugh so much >.< and the last one where he sings a little bit >////< almost kills me every time... haha ENJOY IT :D

Yeah =______= Benten acts like a know-it-all...yeah it would have been very wrong o_o thats why I was a bit scared good thing he didnt....

Aww yeah its a bit sad Tanuma cant completely see the youkai :'( I finished 2nd season yesterday and those final episodes about the youkai who was able to turn into a human kid and be seen by normal humans... aaahhh it was so sad :(.... I would have cried if Natori exorcise him... but again a beautiful season... Im pretty excited for the next 2 and the new one this fall :D :D.... hahah yeah XD XD OnoD was hilarious hahaha...but Nyanko-sensei will always remain by Kamiyan's side haha

YES HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAKURAI-TAKAHIRO-SAN <33333333!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its 13th june over here... so I guess Im still celebrating his birthday hahaha XD.... hahaah yes!!!! when will he get married?????? it must be so hard for a seiyuu as active as him to find a wife..... :/..... but honestly who wouldnt want to marry him? lol Im sure he has a lot of secret admirers.. I wonder if he enjoys the bachelorhood so much or he feels a bit lonely? ....hope its the first one >_____<......but damn he keeps being so active...he is going to be on like 7 summer anime and 3 of them as MC: First Love Monster, Berserk and Mob Psycho 100.... o____o I wonder when he sleeps <3 lol
YvyAckerman Jun 10, 2016 1:48 PM
same!!! haha Im having so much fun talking with you too ^_^... and I will have a 2 months break before next terms starts.. so I will have plenty of time :D

And :D :D :D thank you so much!!!! I received it and Im dying >//////< oh god a lot of memorable things happened in like 15 minutes!!... everyone sharing their "lines to seduce girls" LOL then Lulu ordering them to love him and Jeremiah cancelling each and every single Geass hahaha but OMG that King's game where Lulu and Suzaku kissed >/////< they kissed right??? hahaha... lol Suzaku couldnt stop .... Rolo's scream was super funny "NIIIIIIIIIIIII-SAN" ahhh I loved it!!!!!! Suzaku was so adorale <3 and Schnizel XD didnt expect him there ...haha truly a gold gem for CG fangirls <333

AHHHH great ships :D :D Im sure it must be lots of fun writing about them <3

Jun's voice as Panda-kun was beyond adorable o____________o it somehow gives me peace, a very soft voice <3 and other Jun's roles that I love Grell Sutcliff from Kuroshitsuji, Shinra Kishitani fro Durarara, Yukio Okumura from Ao no exorcist, Kassim from Magi, Ichimatsu (duh!), Koro-sensei from Assasination Classroom, Kazuma from Noragami and Birthday from Hamatora... there are others but these guys are my favorite <333... wbu? ^_^

Thanks for the link :D :D... yes their relationship is so beautiful, that kiss scene moment was so satisfying, yeah those 2 were meant for each other, so I imagine that reunion as well <333..... ending was bittersweet :'( :'( but at least they both remained alive, I was crying so much >____< I never thought they would bring Shion back to life, I was so happy but still crying at the very end haha :'(

Ahhhh Diamond no Ace <3333 I seriously hope for that 3rd season..... yeah, the emotions it gives are so real!!!!!!! I miss the adrenaline ;-;, I miss Miyuki and every single character ahhhhh... and that home run!!!!!!!!!!! One of Miyuki's most epic scenes!!!!! Ive rewatched it a couple of times on youtube... that and his Seidou Roar >////////< he looks like a god there!!!.... I respect him so much <3333

Awww the mom was lovely <3 hahah she looked so awesome <33 and Lol Yasaburo as a girl on ep 1 XD...ughh that was a sick tradition >.< and dotn worry I hate that bish with all my might as well =____+ and her voice was so annoying... like aahhh whenever she appeared I wanted to punch her... I was kinda worried Yasaburo would end up with her or something.... good thing they never hinted anything in the end... I would have been enraged!... overall the anime is really good, from reviews it seems it was pretty overshadowed by other anime back in 2013, hence it never gained the popularity it deserved ;'( quite sad.

Yes!!!! very relaxing anime!!!!!!.... and yeah Natsume's kindess is so contagious, he makes me feel like a bad person (lol), he is just so precious. I really like his friendship with Tanuma :') cute bromance and LOL!!!! regarding Nyanko-sensei.. I once read that OnoD wanted to adopt Kamiyan's cat Nyanko-sensei or something like that then when Natsume decides to call him Nyanko-sensei I started laughing so much... I was like "lol so Kamiyan named his cat after him!!!!! XD XD XD" that made me want to hug Kamiyan so badly hahah...and sure i will^^ <3

ps. YES!!!!!!!!! June 13th <333333 Best day for the Sakupyon fangirls.... but ahh 42?!?!?! our baby still looks so young and hansome >////<

YvyAckerman Jun 8, 2016 12:54 PM
Ohh no need to apologize for that!!! I totally understand!!! Im quite happy you replied!.... I sometimes take a while too like last time, so trust me you never need to apologize for that... and yes :D yesterday was my last exam so Im finally a free bird!!!!! :D Im so happy I will enjoy my freedom from now on haha <3

Yes i have seen it :D :D :D I almost died of fangirlism XD a lot of awesome seiyuus together goofing aahhhhhh....yes all of them are quite handsome >////< Sakupyon was beyond adorable <3

Ahhh thank you so much >.< yes google drive is perfect!!!!!! my gmail is: send it whenever you have free time^^ I dont mind waiting ^_^

wow!!! you write headcanons?! thats awesome!!!! God if I wasnt so lazy hahaa.... may I know which characters and ships have you written about?? Im quite curious ^_^

Yes!!!!! JunJun did an amazing Lulu, breathtaking role!!!!!! I think no one can dare to deny how talented he is after watching his performance as Lelouch... actually from what Ive seen most people who have seen CG tend to have JunJun on their favorite list or at least have him in high regard... He is one of those few seiyuus that is known by non seiyuu fans, and mostly thanks to his Lelouch.... he has done a lot of wonderful characters, and he tends to impress me in all his roles, but yesss his golden character is totally Lulu

Light novels I have just read Toaru and Back Stage >/////< haha but ahhhh you read No.6?!?!... are the light novels online as well?? damn I loved the anime so much... the relationship between Shiro and Nezumi made my heart go thump thump a lot of times >///< I cried so much at the end.... I wanted them to stay together... just why did they have to go separate ways??? oh god, I ship them so much!

Ahh your brother is into seiyuus?!?!?! :D :D Im happy to hear that!!!!! haha yes it most be preference then!

haha I tend to like soft spoken characters... but there is something about Hanae that I just dont like... lol who knows X).... and ohhhhhh regarding DGM.... Im on episode 37 atm!!! haha I havent even finish it XD.... but people have told me that it starts to get better at episode 40 onwards.... so yeahhhh yo have to watch like 40 episodes to get to the good part... Im almost there :D... hahah I get what you mean I take AGES to finish long run anime!!!!!..... I always save them for vacations... exactly because im lazy.... the only exception would be Diamond no Ace that I watched the 2 seasons in like a month

Yesssss I really liked Uchouten Kazoku (same ignoring the obvious xD) at first I wasnt getting anything haha... specially how ok Yasaburo was with his father's death and with the humans who ate him .... but when they revealed everything I was like OHHHH now I get it... and I loved the atmosphere and the sibling love!!!!!.... awww the frog brother (I forgot his name >.< Yagiri?? Ya something!!!) I loved him and pitied him a :(..... and Benten @_______________@ no kidding she is one of my most hated anime character ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH like seriously wtf was wrong with her?!?!?!!?!? they never explained why she turned to be such a bitch.... but god I hated her... and she never did something good to make me consider to accept her again... ughhhh.......

And guess what??!?!?! :D :D :D :D :D

I watched Natsume Yuujinchou what a wonderful anime... Im watching Zoku now... but I fell in love with the bittersweet and peaceful atmosphere and Natsume is one of the most kind-hearted characters ive encountered..... what I lve most about him is that he seem so sincere and even if he is in pain he never fails to smile and help others ...thanks for the recommendation :D plus Nyanko-sensei is so funny XD their relationship is hilarious hahaha...
YvyAckerman May 26, 2016 9:56 PM
Thanks ^_^ Ill do my best!!! I promise once I finish this week I wont take this long to reply >.< haha of course I will send you all the luck I can spare ^^ Im sure it must be tough to find a job!!.. Dont stress yourself to much, an opportunity will eventually come ^_^

Waaaaa IKR?!?!?! I love how happy they look and they tend to be always laughing!!! It must be super fun recording!! Also they tend to have super random funny stories, lmao just imagine all osomatsu-san cast together recording!! >////< to much awesomeness, badassery, talent and hotness haha... I was looking on youtube.. and the only one I found was this one: and other but not Rururu...I found it on google but no subs T^T... if you can send it to me I will be very glad ^_^

yeah!!!! cosplay is indeed a hard work!!! Ive done few so I cant really talk as if Im experienced, but Ive gone to cons and met wonderful cosplayers who have literally gave their souls for cosplays!! lol I may sound exaggerate, but as you I truly admire them! and same with fan arts/fics, its amazing what some people can do! :') may they keep doing what they love and let us continue admiring their beautiful works haha^^

Yes yes!!! it was devastating T^T everything you said!!!... those 6-8 min were majestic and extremely painful, the smile of Lulu destroyed me.... it was like everything was starting to make sense... Suzaku's face ;-;...Nunally's scream.... aaaa and also whenever I listen to "continued story" it always gives me goosebumps.... it brings all the feels... seriously coulndt agree more with you...and my fav character is Lelouch... since the start... I always tend to be captivated by intelligent/mischevious type characters.... and he charmed me since episode 1... and his determination to give her sister a better world >.<.... many hate him because of his selfishness... and i agree, he was selfish, but what I admired about him is that he recognized that, he understood he needed to be punished hence he sacrificed himself with a big smile on his face... All hail Lulu!... my second favorite was totally Suzaku <33 many hated him as well <_< and I dont like seeing him in "most hated/annoying characters list", as much as I like Lulu, I never considered Suzaku was like a big stone on Lulu's foot or something like that

hahaha I will totally watch it once Im finished with my exams!!! specially since Kamiyan is in it <3... and I also want to watch Oofuri!... after DnA I was about to watch it but then I decided to finish KnB (I kept it on hold for a very long time)... byt Im sure I will like it, plus I love Haikyuu <3... Toaru Majutsu is pretty average actually, but Accelerator was a great of my favorites .... he was the reason I watched the 2 seasons haha...his story really moved me..also Im reading the light novels and they are great^^ NamiDai is in shinsekai yori???? hahaha XD cant wait to see that mysterious role!.. ZnT was great :D lol my favorite was Mahiro <3 haha, loved the art and ost, quite beautiful.

Maaya Sakamoto was truly perfect <333 and she is actually my #3 fav seiyuu :D lol guess who are my #1 and #2?????? none other than Sawashiro Miyuki and Hanazakawa Kana!!!! hahaha we truly have similar seiyuu tastes XD XD XD.... lol..... and actually these 3 are few of the female seiyuus I can recognize!!! Im pretty good at identifying male seiyuus and recognizing their voice quickly... but with females Im a total looser!!! except for these 3 goddesses <3

As for me..seiyuus I dont like are probably Tatsuhisa Suzuki (same problem you have with Midorikawa-san I tend to dislike his characters)... also Aoi Shouta (i dont know though... his voice is ok... but idk why I just cant like him).... Natsuki Hanae's voice also tends to annoy me a bit and Im kinda mad he got cast as Lavi in the new D. Gray Man T^T even Sakurai was replaced... how could they?!?!?

btw Im about to finish an anime called Uchouten Kazuoken... have you seen it?? :O seems like an anime you would like ^^

YvyAckerman May 22, 2016 3:59 PM
haha thanks!!! and no I still have 2 exams this week and my finals next week T^T so I will have some intense 2 weeks... yay me! (totally sarcasm)

AAAAA seiyuu bromance is simply AWESOME!!!!! Im like you I dont ship seiyuus in that way but still dont mind if people do... my favorite bromance is probably Kamiyan x OnoD... omg they are just hilarious XD and their friendship looks so sincere and fun! ahah Ive seen a lot of their videos, and they kill me everytime.. and lol I just love the combination of the high pitch voice of Kamiyan and the manly voice of OnoD..aww and yes Suzumura and Maaya are so adorable together :') lovely lovely couple!!! I was so happy when I found out they are actually married <333

Yes!!! Jun and Sakurai have a lot of projects together <3 and aaaaaaa thanks for telling me!!! no I havent listen to it!!! I will look for it on youtube later kyaaaaaa <3333333 haha Im always on youtube searching for seiyuu events and interviews and some random funny videos haha... I cant believe I havent crossed across Rururu Goukon Rhapsody! such greatness I cant miss it!

hahah for me anyone who has watch anime that amount of time is a veteran^^ dont need to do cosplay or do anything else... lol Ive done 5 cosplays but thats because I love to do that knd of thing since i was a kid haha always a fan of costumes, when I learned about cosplay in anime world I totally fell in love with it <3... but i understand I think Im more of an casual anime fan as well... lol I get so obsessed and thats when I do a lot of research but there are a lo of things idk about and is still hard for me to try and do reviews haha...

yess Kamiyan was my #2 before Sakurai took over >///< and I decided to watch Code Geass because I literally googled (please dont laugh about me hahaha): "best anime of all time" and from the 10 that appeared on the browser, CG was the one who gained my complete I cried so much at the ending.... I literally got depressed for days! no kidding @_@ first time I cried so much over a story... I rewatched both seasons inmediatley after finishing it... I just couldnt get over Lulu's death :'(

Ahhhh slice of life!!!!!! I recently started to watch it and Im really liking it, a friend recently recommended Natsume Yuujinchou! guess I should totally give it a try, Kamiya is the MC right?? and lol there are like 4 seasons now??? also Oofuri is the one of your profile pic??? how is it?? :O I think I put it on my plan to watch list because it reminded me of Hinata and Kageyama + baseball.... Baccano?? also one Ive been planning to watch, specially since one of my favorite anime is Durarara and it has the same author <3 you have great anime taste ^_^.... and I will check Shinsekai Yori as well ^_^ lol theplan to watch anime never seem to end hahah <333 love it :')

my favorite anime are: Code Geass, Bakuman, Magi, Kuroshitsuji, Durarara, Diamond no Ace, SnK and waaa many more yesss. it so hard to pick favorites :3

about your list... aahh Kouki I really liked him as Tsukishima... I like his voice, he did great in Zetsuen no Tempest as well... and NamiDai <333 hahaI fall for him as Narsus from Arslan Senki (first time I listen to that sexy voice but I also like his sweet voice like the one he does for Shiro from K )

and now my precious seiyuu list

-Jun: Lulu obviously as well XD also Shinra Kishitani from DRRR
-Kamiyan: Orihara Izaya, that troll voice is just so <3333, special mention to Levi
-Sakurai: Miyuki Kazuya <3 after this role I became obsessed with him and he is one of the main reason Sakurai jumped from #4 to #2 spot
-Okamoto Nobuhiko: Accelerator <333 from Toaru Majutsu no Index also Karma from Assassination Classroom
-Yuki Kaji: Finnian from Kuroshitsuji (just so adorable) also Alibaba from Magi
-and I would like to add a special mention to Maaya Sakamoto as Ciel Phantomhive!!!!! hahaha I loved Ciel's voice so much and when I saw it was a woman voicing him lol I laughed so much.... but I still keep fangirling about her/his voice >///< cant help it

also do you have seiyuus you dont like? :O and do you read manga or just watch anime??

YvyAckerman May 21, 2016 11:26 AM
Hi there ^_^... omg sorry for this late reply ... Im on exams so I vanished for a few days from the internet >.<

Yes Im glad Sakurai is so successful now as well ^_^ and I hope he can keep as active as he is now... one cant never get tired of that beautiful voice :').... oh yesss I read about him being a freelancer and that is indeed quite hard to get roles... damn the more we discuss about this the more awesome I think he is haha... seriously... all that he had to endure in order to be where he is right now!! aaaa <3333... and I love his bromance with Kenichi!!!!.... they seem to have a great chemistry and Ive seen some videos of the two of them... waaa they are so adorable together <33.... I also love his relationship with Jun Fukuyama .... the 2 have great chemistry as well ^-^

wooow anime fan since 2003 :D:D thats awesome!!! I wished I could have discovered anime sooner hahah >.< but oh well Im glad I discovered it hahah better late than never... hahah Ishida Akira is a great seiyuu.. but hahaha yeah Sakurai FTW!... my #1 seiyuu crush was Jun Fukuyama.. and he is still my #1.. but recently Ive been so obsessed with Sakurai o_o ... he used to be my #4 but now im not so sure.. he is slowly winning me and probably already earned the #2 spot without me realizing it... (gomenasai Kamiya-san >///< ) haha.. and yes I started watching anime in December 2014.. lol I remember quite well because the first anime I watched was Code Geass and it left me a big big impression so I decided to continue watching anime..and look at me now hahaha Im totally obessed.. and thank you ^_^ haha... thats quite nice of a veteran anime expert like you to say ^_^ <3

Anime genre?? ahhhh thats a hard one >.< I still havent decided yet.. I love shounen, psychological, action, thriller, supernatural... lol its a tough decision...but I think those genres are the ones i watcch the most.... mmm what I can say with certainty is that Im not a fan of shoujo, ive tried to like it but I just cant... Ive seen like just 5... and my favorite is Gekkan-shoujo nozaki-kun, but thats because it feels more like a comedy than an actual shoujo... so yeah as long as it isnt a shoujo or ecchi or hentai (lol XD) I can watch it... and what about you??? and also which are your favorite animes???

sure I will tell you when I start it right away :D :D... and which other seiyuus do you like??? my top 5 are: Jun Fukuyama, Sakurai-babe, Hiroshi Kamiya, Nobuhiko Okamoto and Yuki Kaji :)
YvyAckerman May 16, 2016 11:27 AM
omg... first dont worry about it being long XD I dont mind at all!!! specially not when it concerns Sakurai and second.. omg what?????? I had no idea ;-; :'( .... our Sakurai... it must have been so hard for him.. I just googled it and you are right.. apparently he had no idea about it but took the blame because he was the head of the team.... wow... Im a bit speechless atm... I seriously cant imagine how he must have felt... specially since he was a rising star... and from what Ive been reading.. japanese people are more harsh on this sort of things.. compared to hollywood or other entertainment industries... his career could've been ruined... I thats the reason he had such few roles in the years 2007-2009? damn...

But this also speaks of what a strong will he has... most people would have give up on their seiyuu career... but he kept going and going... and Im very happy because he is way more active than he used to be back then...but yeah it is a shame the singing stopped :'( .... but at least he is still dominating the anime world... seriously it wouldnt be the same place without him ;-;

Thanks so much for telling me this ^^ I started watching anime in 2014 and I still have a lot of things to learn haha.. Im still acquiring knowledge ^_^... so you've been following him for a very long time huh?? wow thats great!! <3

and also thanks for recommending Saraiya Goyou! I watched 3 episodes already and I really liked it.. I was looking for a slow pace anime and your recommendation was just perfect timing!!! Great performance by him as always <333

awwwwww he uses a Misaki-like voice in Kyou Kara Maou??? oh god I will definitely watch it then <3 I will wait for summer vacations to binge watch it since is a bit long ...but yay only 3 weeks left for holidays.. cant wait to see him perform another lovable dork XD XD

YvyAckerman May 15, 2016 1:46 PM
hahah yeahh his voice in "When you wish upon a star" is just soo kyaaaa >////< hahah and yush Shiro to Kuro is the best <33... Do you know why he doesnt sing much??? I read once it was because he didnt feel comfortable doing it since he mostly does "arrogant" type characters who he just cant imagine singing.. but Im not so sure >.< we need more of that lovable voice!

Well... mine is definitely Miyuki Kazuya haha (thanks^^), I love his personality and Sakurai does a great job!!! he also has a lot lot for screentime which I appreciate since he is mostly cast for supporting roles... awww Ja'far and Osomatsu are ones of my faves as well haha Suzaku was great too, also I just watched an anime called Mononoke... he is the MC and MY GOD HIS VOICE!!!!!! so so so sexy!!! even sexier than Kyoya's!!! probably one of his best performances (although beware the animation and the anime overall is pretty weird ahah), Makishima Shougo too <33....

gosh you are right there are so many of them >.< btw I havent seen Kyou Kara Maou :O... is it good???? Ive heard is good and he is MC but thats much about it....think I should check it out

Special mention: Misaki Takahashi.. lol he was just so adorable hahah >///<
YvyAckerman May 14, 2016 1:20 PM
hahaha I do the same as you!!!! I play them over and over again!!! we must treasure those few songs with all our heart <33... he is one of my faves <333 waaaa I love him so much and Im so happy he is so active! He is probably the seiyuu who has appeared the most in all animes that Ive watched... and yes Ive listen to Shirokumas ed song and his disney songs as well :D :D :D... my favorite is probably "I see the light" with Hikaru Midorikawa... just so cute >.<.... also have you listen to Shiro to kuro???? its really good^^

which are your favorite Sakurai roles??? ^_^
YvyAckerman May 11, 2016 6:12 AM
Hi there^^ I came here after I watched your comment on Sakurai's MAL....Im so happy when others praise him... hahaha I just love him so much one of my faves seiyuus!! im so glad as well that he is being super active.... regarding the singing... yeah T_T he just has like 3 ch songs.. no fair :'(
chu-bura Dec 8, 2014 1:26 AM

Im just gonna leave this here

It’s time to ditch the text file.
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