Hmm... about me... I'm kinda a little bit awkward, so if you strike up a conversation with me expect a bunch of weird little pauses everywhere.
I don't understand reviews with scores lower than 5; if you watched/read the entire thing you at least enjoyed it a *little* bit, right?
I often forget to update this site with the stuff I've read/watched/picked up/etc., so that's why you'll see so many updates in one day haha.
Shoujo manga is my go-to genre, really. I'm a hopeless romantic with a too-far-away boyfriend whom I only see roughly three times a year, so I pour the rest of my heart and soul into bishies! It's a guilty pleasure... (But seinen is quickly growing on me! I've picked up so much nontrashy manga it's ridiculous.)
I'll probably update my favorites section sometime to make sure they're actually accurate, but for right now my favorites are (in case they aren't up or I changed my mind about what's there):
- Clannad After Story
- Code Geass (both seasons)
- Gurren Lagann
- Zero no Tsukaima (all seasons but especially the 2nd and 4th)
- Nagi no Asukara (Chisaki and Tsumugu OTP forever)
Honorable mentions: Wolf Children Ame and Yuki, Howl's Moving Castle
- Gakuen Alice
- Fruits Basket (this and GA are tied for first now =.=)
- Full Moon wo Sagashite
Honorable mentions: Strobe Edge, Sprout, Kimi ni Todoke, Arisa, Reimei no Arcana (CAESARRR), Akagami no Shirayukihime
I hand out pretty easy 8s and 9s but I'm more hesitant about 10s, so either I just really really loved that work and all its characters/plot/whatever, or I feel that the artwork and the obvious time and effort the mangaka/writer put into it truly deserves that score. For most of the 9s I give, it's almost always because I fall in love with the characters...
Overall, I definitely prefer manga over anime because you can portray the characters how you want to see them, not how voice actors see them. Granted, I have a LOT of favorite voice actors and sometimes I can't stay away from anime - not to mention my boyfriend's an aspiring voice actor haha - but if I'm given a choice, I'll almost always choose the manga over the anime,
even though my anime list says the complete opposite.
Ah.. I don't really do much on it, but you can find my tumblr
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