Fire Emblem - Checklist
▸Engage - upcoming
▸Three Houses (Black Eagles) - 16%
▸Three Houses (Blue Lions - 100%
▸Three Houses (Golden Deer) - 100%
▸ Shadows of Valentia - 100%
▸ Revelation - 80%
▸ Conquest - 100%
▸ Birthright - 100%
▸ Awakening - 260%
▸ Thracia 776 - 0%
▸ Genealogy of the Holy War - 11%
▸ Binding Blade - 100%
▸ Blazing Blade - 100%
▸ Sacred Stones - 460%
▸ Path of Radiance - 115%
▸ Radiant Dawn - 100%
▸ Shadow Dragon - 100%
▸ New Mystery of the Emblem - 0%
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【 𝗽𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗽𝗶𝗻𝗴, 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗴𝗼𝘁 𝗮 𝗽𝗶𝗻𝗴! 】
someone from garden of eden has
sent you a message! click below
to find out what it says!
She's just very passionate
Cards by RJRock (OriginalAnimeFan) || Delivery banner by Saengdao
Yooho people, sup!!
Yeah i know i know i am like... late by a year!! Poor old RJ already feels bad enough by this so no need to yell at him any more SMH T.T
Well tbh... right about the time i vanished I joined uni and started living in a hostel. Yeah it was fun and life just drifted away. In the meanwhile I became lazy (i mean... i was already lazy, just more lazy...) and pretty much squandered my time with friends and anime. A lot has happened this year and i am grateful for. Although I did stop cardmaking but i thoroughly enjoyed all your support in every edition i was in. Makes me happy that some of you liked my works. I might restart cardmaking again... but gaaaah... laziness >.<
What do you guys think? Want more of RJ-originals?? Who knows maybe i wight just go ahead and open an edition. I have always been random ya know :P (whoa wait did i just drop a hint o/_O)
~~Crown Royale~~
Sunset Edition ~Cards~
Staff Favorite Husbando Edition ~Cards~
Staff Favorite Waifu Edition ~Cards~
Thanks for requesting, I really enjoyed making them. | Got any problems? You can always PM me :)