All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 170.8
Mean Score:
- Watching17
- Completed601
- On-Hold26
- Dropped101
- Plan to Watch79
- Total Entries824
- Rewatched0
- Episodes10,205
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 33.4
Mean Score:
- Total Entries34
- Reread0
- Chapters5,880
- Volumes668
All Comments (11) Comments
omh.. The level of cringe in that message is absurd. Are you sure you're not a high caliber comedian of some sort?
The rest of what you said was just baloney and straight up hypocritical. You don't ward off "idiots" like me by putting up "Unless your compatibility with me is over 75%, don't friend me you filthy gaijin casuals.", but rather invite people to pick and laugh at autism at its best.´
Have a good day, m'sir. *tips fedora*
>Doesn't show his face on pic
>Shit taste
>Shit taste, once again.
>"I'm not saying my tastes are amazing" Don't make me laugh.
I laugh at your narcissism and ignorance.
"My ratings are for my own personal reasons, not to impress you or any of the other faggots on mal. fuck off." - From every MAL user to you.
I really need to catch up on some anime though, been slacking.