In a nutshell: A game dev graduate who used to watch too much anime. Probably still does.
Starting August 1st, 2017, I will give show ratings using the following template:
* Mainly because my scoring style stopped matching up with how I used to rate shows over the years and now my list looks totally inaccurate *
Art (design, animation, etc.) ---------------
Character (depth, likability, etc.) -----------
Plot (how agreeable the plot is) ------------
Pacing (the pace b/w episodes) ------------
Ending (if story was wrapped up well) -----
Sound (OP/ED, bgm, voicework, etc.) -----
Personal (the bias scale, memorability) ----
Total ---------------------------------------
The minimum score for each category aside from [Personal] is 0.1 (for... effort?), so the lowest total given will be gracefully rounded to 1 (:
All Comments (134) Comments
Yep, it's hard being the grave digger of dead profiles!
I can understand that perfectly about the 2D graphics being more comfortable to 3D, especially with Trails in the Sky. To this day I can't fully get into Cold Steel 3D animation, feels way to janky compared to the 2D Trails in the Sky.
I've played them all and I think it's good, just forewarning, the first game is decent but kinda basic but when you get to 2 and 3 that's when it really picks up.
But ayyy, someone who knows about Mana Khemia! Yep I really love the game and it's characters, it's what got me into the Atelier games in general even if it's not a main one lol.
But yeah, will do again next year... and I'll make sure I'm free the whole weekend well beforehand. :P
Hah, riddles are underrated. Not everyone can get a super crit nut shot on their third try ahaha. That counts for a lot in my book.
And if that's the case... will def look forward to seeing you again next year! ;)
Argh! Episode 12! I need the rest! I won't have money for the next set till next week!
I still have something from every season to finish. lol I think I missed the fall season completely. Plus, there are all my DVDs...