Yeah, you're country is also suffering from brain drain as a result of the continuously low wages. Something, we also have for doctors.
I think the previous president, Traian Băsescu, has been pretty decent as well, since it was under him that Romania has reformed so much that it could enter the EU.
Klaus Johannis did a very good job in Hermannstadt (Sibiu), but it's a bit difficult to say the same for the whole country, since his whole presidency feels a bit lackluster imho., though he does give a better figure visually and has it possibly easier to negotiate with other heads of state or heads of government than the previous presidents. Also a shame btw. that the highway there still hasn't been finished.
I see, that explains everything. How do you feel btw. about a German leading once again your country? Have things improved during Klaus Johannis' presidency or does he make no difference, either?
That troll fabric from Sankt Petersburg sounds like fake news~
I don't smoke either, so I more than welcome it. Though, the regulations in my particular federal country could have been much stricter imho. It's annoying to have the smell of smoke and/or vaporizers when you eat.
The mall in Frankfurt a. M. is alright. It didn't feel any special imho. What's really great there is the public transport system. Glad you enjoyed your trips in Germany
"Eastern Europe" can be quite the broad term. Are we talking about North Eastern Europe, South Eastern Europe, Eastern Central Europe or Eastern Eastern Europe?
97% support sounds like the days of Soviet power, lol
There won't be any "Putin-Merkel-non-agression" pacts to split up the countries in Europe in spheres of influences, don't worry.
From what I can say, the Russians have been more reliable with keeping their parts of the deals. I don't know why our companies still try so much in the USA and/or with American companies, like Bayer, who now fails pretty hard for getting hit by the Monsanto lawsuits.
Thanks, but it depends on the topic and on my mood. If I feel up for the topic, the sentences can easily flow directly out of my mind on the electronic message.
I've been on Anime Discussions as well for a short time, but Current Events and Casual Discussions are the most entertaining boards. And Games, Computers & Tech Support might also have occasionally some interesting threads.
Germany is much closer to Russia than they want to publicly admit. Putin and Merkel get along fine; each can speak the language of the other fluently. Admittedly, the relations have become a bit frosty after the Ukrainian crisis and since we don't have Putin friend Gerhard Schröder in office any longer, but realpolitik continues play a major role, so when it benefits us like the Nord Stream I and II, we will continue with those projects, regardless of what other countries say about it.
Aside from that, there are cultural reasons to keep close relations to Russia, since even after the Gulag and everything, a few hundred thousands ethnic Germans still live in Russia and some several tens of thousands in other former Soviet countries. Germany has therefore any reason to keep good relations with Russia. But then again, the German economy is too dependent on the American market and you can see the results of it.
How did you come up with that question? Are you from Russia or something?
I don't force myself to write 15+ sentences, it just accumulates when I write more detailed about something. Though, most of it is just quoting multiple people and answering each with a few sentences.
Probably, I simply stagnate my writing style too much by not including enough variation with how I start and connect my sentences.
As for the topic about forcing, I've frequently said that I just want to spend my time reading Visual Novels, but as soon as MAL forums come back up, I end up writing over 20 replies and every day, new ones come, until I or the other users cut off the discussion strings one by one till none are left and then everything begins from anew. I don't know why I haven't completely become tired of conversations on the Internet.
I've stopped writing with capitalized nouns though because of a lack of feedback. Aside from that, does my English really feel that artificial? I sometimes do use a German-English dictionary just because I can't find the right words in English, but grammar and style-wise, I've always been under the impression that it at least looks quite normal.
character surprisingly very entertaining... if not because yotsubato already give me higher standard for this kind of series, i might rate it even higher...
All Comments (22) Comments
I think the previous president, Traian Băsescu, has been pretty decent as well, since it was under him that Romania has reformed so much that it could enter the EU.
Klaus Johannis did a very good job in Hermannstadt (Sibiu), but it's a bit difficult to say the same for the whole country, since his whole presidency feels a bit lackluster imho., though he does give a better figure visually and has it possibly easier to negotiate with other heads of state or heads of government than the previous presidents. Also a shame btw. that the highway there still hasn't been finished.
That troll fabric from Sankt Petersburg sounds like fake news~
I don't smoke either, so I more than welcome it. Though, the regulations in my particular federal country could have been much stricter imho. It's annoying to have the smell of smoke and/or vaporizers when you eat.
The mall in Frankfurt a. M. is alright. It didn't feel any special imho. What's really great there is the public transport system. Glad you enjoyed your trips in Germany
97% support sounds like the days of Soviet power, lol
There won't be any "Putin-Merkel-non-agression" pacts to split up the countries in Europe in spheres of influences, don't worry.
From what I can say, the Russians have been more reliable with keeping their parts of the deals. I don't know why our companies still try so much in the USA and/or with American companies, like Bayer, who now fails pretty hard for getting hit by the Monsanto lawsuits.
I've been on Anime Discussions as well for a short time, but Current Events and Casual Discussions are the most entertaining boards. And Games, Computers & Tech Support might also have occasionally some interesting threads.
Germany is much closer to Russia than they want to publicly admit. Putin and Merkel get along fine; each can speak the language of the other fluently. Admittedly, the relations have become a bit frosty after the Ukrainian crisis and since we don't have Putin friend Gerhard Schröder in office any longer, but realpolitik continues play a major role, so when it benefits us like the Nord Stream I and II, we will continue with those projects, regardless of what other countries say about it.
Aside from that, there are cultural reasons to keep close relations to Russia, since even after the Gulag and everything, a few hundred thousands ethnic Germans still live in Russia and some several tens of thousands in other former Soviet countries. Germany has therefore any reason to keep good relations with Russia. But then again, the German economy is too dependent on the American market and you can see the results of it.
How did you come up with that question? Are you from Russia or something?
Probably, I simply stagnate my writing style too much by not including enough variation with how I start and connect my sentences.
As for the topic about forcing, I've frequently said that I just want to spend my time reading Visual Novels, but as soon as MAL forums come back up, I end up writing over 20 replies and every day, new ones come, until I or the other users cut off the discussion strings one by one till none are left and then everything begins from anew. I don't know why I haven't completely become tired of conversations on the Internet.
seto no hanayome was funny nice series... the character can bit annoying at times, but if you love comedy, yes then, go ahead...