Great Schwarzesmarken review, I watched it because of you and I don't regret it :)
(kinda late since I watched it almost a year ago but I'd still want to thank you)
omg the screenshot!! just,, how stupid of me... i cant believe that watching while smoke n drink coffe would make that slip pass me...
but yeah fuck me dude, im really sorry n i appreciate your effort...
that was, really perceptive of you... my emotion just got leaded all the way by the show,
the show lead me to feel supportive n happy,
then it lead me to hope that Makoto would redeem himself,
then again it lead me to doubt n dislike him,
and again it lead me to really hate him n wanted him to get his punishment, and it happens! and im happy...
actually i was about to drop the show after lets see 7-8 ep maybe? because u know its better to drop it rather than rate it 3/10 X3
but after i watched the whole show, i didnt really remember exacly why i put 8/10
but again man, that was pretty perceptive of you, n i thanku for answering my dumb question...
hello dude, i just browse through joey old videos on youtube, then i come to one particular vid about School Days. my rating on school days 8/10 i pretty like the story n development but theres still some thing that i hate. so now im pretty curious as what did you said to joey that even changed his opinion on School Days?
just what're commenting at that time? i cant found it anywhere,
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(kinda late since I watched it almost a year ago but I'd still want to thank you)
but yeah fuck me dude, im really sorry n i appreciate your effort...
that was, really perceptive of you... my emotion just got leaded all the way by the show,
the show lead me to feel supportive n happy,
then it lead me to hope that Makoto would redeem himself,
then again it lead me to doubt n dislike him,
and again it lead me to really hate him n wanted him to get his punishment, and it happens! and im happy...
actually i was about to drop the show after lets see 7-8 ep maybe? because u know its better to drop it rather than rate it 3/10 X3
but after i watched the whole show, i didnt really remember exacly why i put 8/10
but again man, that was pretty perceptive of you, n i thanku for answering my dumb question...
just what're commenting at that time? i cant found it anywhere,