yup..ive watched it!..
but dunno why i didnt like it that much!
haha..maybe because its just funny..and i dont quite understand the story.. hhaha
or maybe im not in the mood wen i watched it!
wehh..gRr..i actually dunno why.
nut most of the person who watched it liked it!
so maybe youll love it too!..
hahahaha.. i love suzumiya wen she has her long haiR!.. hahaha.. super kawaii~ hahahahahaa
wat eps are you now?..
lol.. its reaLly hard to choose fRom your favorites ne?..
but you picked based on the fist anime that kept you form watching.. same here!.. hahaha.. but i think even though its not the 1st.. im sUre its stiLL my number one animE!.. hahahaha
but its not the 1st anime that ive watched like you!.. before i love shounen animes!.. but now i love shoujos! hahahahahahahahahahaa
wehh..youre the same as the others.. you love fumoffu more..!
demo for me..! its the fuLL metaL panic the second raid (the 3rd season)
'cause i think finaLLy sosuke realized his feelings for kaname!..
and theres the fight of kaname too..
and a love triangle.. shocks!!!!!!!! hahahaah
cLannad..? ahh.. tHeres a part theRe thats like myself.. d story of a girL there reminds me of myseLf.. hahaha
(violin,famiLy,and the fire thing?.. hahaha)
well..watch iT!.. its one of the most popular animes now!..
nope.. mah most sUuuupeeeeRRRRRr!11 favorite anime is FULL METAL PANIC!!!!!!!!
haha.. did you watch the 2nd and 2rd season???? youll definitely like it more!!!
but i love kaze too!!!!!!
waaaa.. ayano x kazuma ~desU! hahahahahaa
i just made the cLub 'cause the only club related in the anime is the contracors.. so theRe!!!
All Comments (12) Comments
hahaha.. dudluck in tsR!.. waa.. that smy most favorite cause finally! .....................
yup..ive watched it!..
but dunno why i didnt like it that much!
haha..maybe because its just funny..and i dont quite understand the story.. hhaha
or maybe im not in the mood wen i watched it!
wehh..gRr..i actually dunno why.
nut most of the person who watched it liked it!
so maybe youll love it too!..
hahahaha.. i love suzumiya wen she has her long haiR!.. hahaha.. super kawaii~ hahahahahaa
wat eps are you now?..
lol.. its reaLly hard to choose fRom your favorites ne?..
but you picked based on the fist anime that kept you form watching.. same here!.. hahaha.. but i think even though its not the 1st.. im sUre its stiLL my number one animE!.. hahahaha
but its not the 1st anime that ive watched like you!.. before i love shounen animes!.. but now i love shoujos! hahahahahahahahahahaa
wehh..youre the same as the others.. you love fumoffu more..!
demo for me..! its the fuLL metaL panic the second raid (the 3rd season)
'cause i think finaLLy sosuke realized his feelings for kaname!..
and theres the fight of kaname too..
and a love triangle.. shocks!!!!!!!! hahahaah
watch code geass too..
it reaLLy rocks..!
love cLamp..? better try it! hahahaha
cLannad..? ahh.. tHeres a part theRe thats like myself.. d story of a girL there reminds me of myseLf.. hahaha
(violin,famiLy,and the fire thing?.. hahaha)
well..watch iT!.. its one of the most popular animes now!..
nope.. mah most sUuuupeeeeRRRRRr!11 favorite anime is FULL METAL PANIC!!!!!!!!
haha.. did you watch the 2nd and 2rd season???? youll definitely like it more!!!
but i love kaze too!!!!!!
waaaa.. ayano x kazuma ~desU! hahahahahaa
i just made the cLub 'cause the only club related in the anime is the contracors.. so theRe!!!
but i reaLLy love it!
suki~desu!.. haha
how about you?..
wats your fave anime????
waaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. youre watching my NUMBER ONE FAVORITE ANIME!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahaha
kanamexsousuke rocks!..
fuLL metaL panic ruLes..!
haha.. i think youre the one who recommended nagasarete to himesama ne?.. hahaha
i think iLL watch spice and woLf too..haha
iLL hold the 4th episode of nagaserete 'cause of clannad.. do you know it?..
haha..bout nagaserete.. suzu is cooL! hahaha
wiLL the end up togetheR..?
thanx for commenting on the cLub..!
love your favorites!..
myself., kaze.. im currently watching nagasarete and i love iT!.. hahaha
didnt watch spice and wolf yet.. himesama recommended it to me.. so maybe iLL watch it!.. hahahaha