Acelasi lucru l-am patit si eu. M-am addictat atat de tare la dramele coreene incat am uitat total de manga si anime. Ma rog,anime chiar nu am mai vazut,dar manga am mai citit din cand in cand. Vampire Knight m-a mobilizat din nou :)).
I'm glad.Pe mine m-a atras titlul la ea.Mi s-a parut ciudatel si m-am gandit ca trebuie sa aiba o poveste interesanta <3
Since the end of year is coming very fast, we would like you to choose your favorites of 2010 from previous monthly winners. The following categories are:
Prima ora sunt ca un zombie,dar apoi ies din stare ca niste colege traznite so nu pot sta like that :))
Well..that sucks >.<
Era dragut daca puteai veni ^___^
Yah,sunt din Bucuresti.
Hmm..yep am fost.Ma duc in fiecare an.
Desigur ca o sa-ti spun cum a fost ^____^.Abia astept sa vad cosplayul 8->
Well asa este.
Eu deja m-am obisnuit,poate pentru ca acum ma simt bine la scoala :))
Este obositor oricum :|
Ma trezesc zilnic la 6 si la 7 plec >.<.Partea buna e ca invat dimineata si am timp dupa amiaza,dar in acelasi timp e tortura.
In rest e ok.Acum am prins ceva timp sa citesc manga O_O deci profit de ocazie :))
Btw...tu vii la Nijikon?
Oh hey ^___^
Yah,me did it,dar oricum mai am de lucrat la link-uri.You know...anime,manga and so on x.x
Well ma bucur ca iti place ^__^
So tu ce mai faci?
About Animeshin:
As our motto already states, we fromAnimeshin
take it further than just obsessions..!
Where most other clubs and groups stop we
rush the borders to expand our reach by including an online gaming branch, our own website and forums and an open IRL community.
And thats only the tip of the iceberg of what
you may expect.
The possibilities are open and endless.
From casual watcher to die-hard otaku or baka..
..everyone is welcome to join the club.
All Comments (47) Comments
I'm glad.Pe mine m-a atras titlul la ea.Mi s-a parut ciudatel si m-am gandit ca trebuie sa aiba o poveste interesanta <3
Please save & rehost.
Hello minna-sama!
Since the end of year is coming very fast, we would like you to choose your favorites of 2010 from previous monthly winners. The following categories are:
♔ Manga of the year 2010
♔ Anime of the year 2010
♔ Male Character of the year 2010
♔ Female Character of the year 2010
And remember to visit us often! We are planning a surprise for you all quite soon~
~Always loving,
Admins of ♔ The Old, Elegant Story
Well..that sucks >.<
Era dragut daca puteai veni ^___^
Yah,sunt din Bucuresti.
Hmm..yep am fost.Ma duc in fiecare an.
Desigur ca o sa-ti spun cum a fost ^____^.Abia astept sa vad cosplayul 8->
Eu deja m-am obisnuit,poate pentru ca acum ma simt bine la scoala :))
Este obositor oricum :|
Ma trezesc zilnic la 6 si la 7 plec >.<.Partea buna e ca invat dimineata si am timp dupa amiaza,dar in acelasi timp e tortura.
In rest e ok.Acum am prins ceva timp sa citesc manga O_O deci profit de ocazie :))
Btw...tu vii la Nijikon?
Yah,me did it,dar oricum mai am de lucrat la link-uri.You know...anime,manga and so on x.x
Well ma bucur ca iti place ^__^
So tu ce mai faci?
One card as ordered; just sign on the dotted line.
My apologies for the delay and a misreading from my side; as a result 2 cards have been made for you.
About Animeshin:
As our motto already states, we fromAnimeshin
take it further than just obsessions..!
Where most other clubs and groups stop we
rush the borders to expand our reach by including an online gaming branch, our own website and forums and an open IRL community.
And thats only the tip of the iceberg of what
you may expect.
The possibilities are open and endless.
From casual watcher to die-hard otaku or baka..
..everyone is welcome to join the club.
(Click here to go to the club)
(Membercards available now!)
~Jaruga (Baka Nation Admin)